
Sep 24, 2007
I think that the general consensus is that Lassen has a tidbit higher quality than schoolcraft (hence the higher cost)
Dec 14, 2007
I think that the general consensus is that Lassen has a tidbit higher quality than schoolcraft (hence the higher cost)

And this "consensus" comes from whom?

For every Lassen fan you will find an equally die hard Schoolcraft afficianado. The "battle" is often more about personalities than actual work. They both have added brilliant touches to the art of coin gaffery; and differences in product generally are small and appeal to different tastes. But to say there is any sort of consensus is ludicrous. Individuals may have preferences (as I do) but there is no "consensus."

You are talking out of your hat, as they say.


Brad Henderson
Sep 24, 2007
Okay.. i'm sorry then.

My new statement is: most people think that lassen and schoolcraft are better than sasco.


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Orlando, FL
I had a Dean's set made for me by Schoolcraft and I have to say that the customer service and the work put into my set was nothing less than exceptional. Chris and Jamie are a good team in the coin gaff business. I can't comment much on Lassen's coins because I haven't handled them much (just a Triple Threat a few months back) but based on my experience with the triple threat, my conclusion is to just buy from both Schoolcraft and Lassen. You can't go wrong with either. I'm actually going to have Lassen make an expanded shell and Triple Threat for me and I'm going to have Jamie make a gravity flipper for my Dean's set in the near future.

Oh, and to stay on topic...I placed my order for CoinTwo a couple days ago. For those who haven't seen the routine, it's a variation of Troy Hooser's ExTROYdinary. Here's an old video clip of Homer performing it (along with a cool bubble gum trick and Chris Kenner performing his shadow coins):
Dec 2, 2007
It has arrived!

Watching CoinTwo right now... (I'm number 192 out of 1000). So far everything is very beautifully done, the music is haunting and the two routines are VERY nice explorations of ExTROYdinary-ish stand up coin magic. So far there is no speaking, as in CoinOne.



I am also waiting for it to arrive!

I knew there was an ungimmicked and gimmicked version but I have never heard of that Coins Across with three coins!

Could you give some more info on that one?

Pretty happy that I heard this!

Dec 2, 2007
I thought the best part was the section about Homer's hands. It was freakin hilarious! I also heard about a couple easter eggs on the DVD (one being a funny version of C2 and an overhead version of C1 with patter).

Yes, this is true. If you have DVD player software for your computer, you can play the .VOB files on the disk directly. (I believe windows media player allows this, and I know that VLC under Linux allows this.)

Both files are in the VIDEO_TS directory.

VTS_23_1.VOB the funny version of C2.

VTS_22_1.VOB C1 with patter.

I'm not sure exactly how to get to these videos via the DVD menus. If anyone finds out how, I would love to know. :)



theory11 moderator
I recently got both the DVDs through the post, now I'm not much of a coin guy - but I fell in love with these routines. They are truly phenomenal.

If anybody is on the fence whether to buy either of these DVDs, just do it. like, now. Seriously.

I haven't been this pleased with a product since I got my PK pen! and I'm probably more impressed with these DVDs.

Sep 3, 2007
I'm going to get CoinOne and CoinTwo in about... 6 months after I've learned all my basics and have a strong foundation in coin magic. I wouldn't want to ruin these by buying them before I'm truly ready.
Sep 24, 2007
Wait -what?!? 394 out of 1000 already?!

Cointwo's are selling like high-quality coin routines sold by skilled underground coin magicians with award winning magic!
Dec 21, 2007
In the 'hidden' version of C1 on the C2 dvd, if you look closely, Homer actually spins the shell before he does the melt away vanish at the end......bold!!
Anyway now my question......I have many of the Lassen coin gaffs and I think Homer is using the Dean's set in the dvd, I was impressed that I couldn't see any lip from the shell when it is nested over the coin at all as he spun it round. Anybody with a Schoolcraft Deans set of Morgan dollars care to enlighten if this is truly so "invisible"

Dec 21, 2007
But it looks so tight fitting on camera, maybe it's a different story in real life!!
mine don't look like that......maybe because of all the impact mine have had...ha ha
but they are still from jamie....
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