
Dec 21, 2007
No just a regular one, I have two sets on order from todd and they will have the shim. Homer told me that he had also dropped his shell a couple of times during filming so it also doesn't look as good now!! He also doesn't have a use for the shim as yet.
Sep 15, 2007
The shim is good for getting rid of the shell.
It also helps to do certain kinds of Matrix effects with a PK ring.
Dec 2, 2007
Has anyone played around with a shimmed [ and a magnet coin? I believe both Todd and Jamie offer them. From what I have read it sound like unnesting is still easy, but you can handle the nested pair quite a bit more freely than you could over wise. I have been told that the only problem is that with soft (expanded) Morgan's and a shim the coverage isn't as good as without the shim.

I am tempted by the shim though. Looks like it would be a great way to clean-up at the end of CoinOne.

Dec 21, 2007
I have the triple threat and it has the same coverage as my normal un-shimmed Morgan shell set
I also use the assasin's pouch with a magnet in to ditch it sometimes
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