Hey guys, I know it's been a while and the list may seem outdated, but the mods have been keeping on top of it, so go them! Woo!
I've just added a few more which I'll list now, as always if you see a review that you think deserves to be on the list please PM me about it! Mods, if you could do this thing where you list what's been added recently, that'd definitely help the adding process as we'll know what's already on there.
Real Secrets of Magic Book - David Stone,
Smooth Operations - Kevin Ho,
Proximity Effects - Dee Christopher,
Smart Ass - Bill Abbott,
Elixer of Life - Alvo Stockman,
Emotional Intelligence - Luke Jermay
As always when writing your reviews, make them as in-depth as possible
(without exposure obviously!). Think what questions could be asked and also what questions people have asked about other products. Do those questions apply to the product you're reviewing? Anticipating and answering these questions first really helps those who are reading your reviews! Be clear, be concise, be helpful - think what you would've liked to know before you bought the product.
Thanks folks and keep these awesome reviews coming!
- Sean