Criss Angel An Amazing "Magician"?

Is Criss Angel the the best thing that ever happened to magic?

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Sep 1, 2007
Then your eyes are blind if you dont realize he's using stooges for i'd say 80% of the garbage he tries to pull off. You let me know when YOU can do Gutbuster with a truely random passer-by.

Yeah, pick on Criss for performing an effect that pretty much requires an assistant. Do you actually listen to yourself talk?

Stooging is not a dirty word. Get over yourselves for just 30 seconds and realize the simple truth that it's a practice as old as magic itself. And the dellusions some of you espouse that you're better magicians for not using stooges is like a politician's promise: ********.

Nothing Angel does has ever impressed it, it's made me laugh more then anything.

And you are?

God, the politics here drive me berserk. People can't seem to decide if they want to post today's hate thread about Ellusionist, Criss Angel, or YouTube.
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