Well, it's all fairly odd. Because, also, in The Devil's Touch (Found in Witness, or Identity, I can't remember), he says that CHANGE is one of his few secrets, and that archived page above, all could suggest that it's real. And obviously people have seen it and said that it's real. However, those people could be in on it, the videos could be faked, and that page made to made readers of it believe there is a method, and everything to be fake. A magician's job is to deceive, however, I personally believe that there is a method. I have never met Daniel, and never seen it, but I believe he has got a method, because while the deceptionist's job is to lie, it seems in the magic community, magicians don't seem to want to lie. I find it odd, and I still lie to magicians, I feel no reason not to lie to them, but I trust Daniel, and I reckon there is a method, no matter how hard or easy, I think there is one, that will change the way I for one, and surely many others think of the potential that lays in magic. I have always dreamed of being able to take a card, put it on the table, stand, away from the card, and have it instantly change. I doubt this will ever happen ungimmicked, but I believe, or at least hope so very much, that CHANGE is sleight of hand, and is real.
But the controversy rages on, and only time will tell.
Tom Field
But the controversy rages on, and only time will tell.
Tom Field