thats what i mean, its well too obvious!
trust me i am critical, i do not beleive that the change is possible, and that is why im interested in seeing ROYm's method. However the cut is there for a deeper meaning. whether he is trying to hide the real method by including this cut i dont know, however their is more than meets the eye.
the guy is full of secrets. thats why i like him.
nicely said. you took these words out of my mind. but i dont think he cutted to hide the real method - otherwise why would he post this video? jsut so people will know he invented a change that the never actualy saw a performance of it without editing? even though the second video he posted called change2008 looks much better.
i think his first video was edited and by the time he posted the second one he thought af a "method" i put method in "" cuz i think that if his method could be actualy be performed live he would have reproduce the card that he changed.