Randy - read your posts...you use this phrase "That's the PROBLEM" - you see too many problems, that aren't really problems. Start seeing the solutions. There are actual problems, but you are so busy looking at the superficial ones, that you are missing the ones that are difficult to solve and need attention.
It really reads like you are trying to critically think like the big boys, but you are failing - miserably I might add. Perhaps you should stop giving your opinion, and start asking - so you can learn. You are so off base that a handicapped old man could still tag you out - you are talking in circles - and whenever a solution is provided for you - you take another blind stab at it.
Seriously, both Steerpike and I have spent time writing to you - and you still are missing the point...
You don't have to have things happen to them - it's nice - but not a need for them to enjoy it.
You don't need to tell "stories" - as you can just communicate with them.
It's odd...you act like you have read Strong Magic and other books...have you absorbed ANY of it?
You see Randy - there are many coin effects out there - however, very few resolve all the issues I listed. I could name MANY effects of other mediums that do handle all the issues - and we have spoke on them.
I am not challenging you to name those few effects, but start to see the issue in coins and seeing if you can take those pieces of crap that have gaps and don't live up to the standards of strong magic - and make them better.
Steerpike shared how he took a pointless plot and adding logic and meaning to it - now - I haven't seen it in person, so perhaps there are issues in handling that "look" like moves...despite his abilities...as I find many coin moves, look like coin moves - or perhaps not - for it is his quest to deal with these issues in his way.
NOTE - he does not deny these issues exist - for it would be foolish to think that they don't - worse that foolish, I would say dangerous - in a magic malpractice kind of way.
So - to try to sum it up for you again - think of a coin effect that YOU do - and ask yourself - do any of these issues ring true. How can I solve it? Can I solve it? If not, is it really that good an effect? Why am I doing it, if it is not a perfectly constructed effect.
Don't reply that "nothing is perfect", as some Olmpic sports are based off of doing, for example, a dive that has a higher value. I like to only do 10's...as it gives me the chance at perfection...I would hate to fall short of that goal because of my effect selection, rather than my own shortcomings...the former I have no shot at a 10...the latter can be improved upon and strived for.
So - the answer on why you do low quality coin work: You must love showing magic that is imperfect or flawed...or you don't know any better.