Seems like when I was on the road doing shows, the philistines came out to put their “stupid” mark on the forum wall, isn’t that wonderful. Okay, so let’s clear up some of the stupid left by others.
Coastaldude – if you are claiming to people you have the magic powers to bite coins, bend them, and make smoke appear…then this post is not for you. I go under the assumption that the people I perform for are not blithering idiots. I work for intelligent people that enjoy intelligent and fun magic. When you make claims, where the only method to perform a feat could be super powers or a gimmick, what do you think they will believe first? I have a hard time with those effects. So, you can bend a spoon…and quarters…both thin metal objects…but not this pole your mom dances around? Hmm, well, I think you should make some sleeve smoke surround you and disappear. I am not being condescending, that is when someone talks down to you, but if this is the magic you do – this forum thread is not for you. You live in happy magic land, where everyone believes everything you do is “real” magic. Nice – now go play War of Worlds, Magic the Gathering and try not to cry yourself to sleep. Don’t worry, if you are a good boy – Santa will come and give you more magic gimmicks to make friends with. Haha, SLEEVING!?? Haha, yeah audience never thinks it goes up your sleeve…haha, hell they do even when it doesn’t! Oh dude! Thanks for posting
hey "More-on" what happen? Did your dad hit you with a sock full of coins when you did wrong?(I was going to say a kid but i think you still are). You seem to know it all already so why ask? go back on the road but remember to only perform for the intelligent. I hope one day you'll learn magic and not just tricks.