Elite Membership Card Help


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2014
Hello everyone,

I am writing here in order to get help or advice on the topic of getting Elite Membership Card.
I decided to finally write here because I did not receive proper help from 1) Theory 11 support team, 2) a guy who manages Elite Membership cards, 3) people who are running T11 Instagram account.
The story/ problem is next:
Back in December 2014 I became an Elite Member (currently having over 14k points). Only later I found out that there must be some sort of greeting package for Elite Member that includes the card as well. I don't remember if I contacted about this earlier, but I definitely did in August 2018 which is exactly a year ago. In August I was told that they are aware of that and will check it. I was told that "cards are all custom and made and sent individually and yours is currently in progress". Okay, I was waiting 3 months to be exact. So in October 2018 I contacted them again. I was told that my card was ready and it was already sent and about to be expected in November 2018. Obviously I did not get back then. As I am patient and did not want to be annoying I waited for another 3 months or something like that. In February 2019 I contacted again and was told the same old story "we will research your issue and cards are all custom and made and sent individually". At that moment it honestly became really annoying.
As I was getting really curious of what it is all about I tried to seek help by contacting T11 Instagram account in June 2019. I was told that they will check it personally and resolve an issue. For a month they were silent again. After contacting in July I was told guess what - "cards are all custom and made and sent individually".
Now it is August 2019. Exactly a year when I was told they are researching my issue. 9 - 10 months since "it was ready and sent". And 1 month of T11 instagram ignoring me.
I realize I might be a little bit annoying, but I was not spamming anyone every day. I patiently waited 2-3 months before contacting again. All I was getting is not straight absurd answers and very odd attitude.

I just want to share this story and try to understand what is their attitude is all about and what is the problem. Why can't they straight forward tell me what is going on, because I honestly do not believe that this procedure can take over a year especially when I remind about it every 2-3 months.

Thank you for reading this.

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I know that mine didn't take that long......Sheesh, 5 years doesn't seem like @Lyle Borders. I believe he is the one that does the Elite Membership stuff I remember when I became an Elite Member I got a package in the mail with all sorts of goodies including my Stainless Steel Card with my name on it. Maybe you should try getting a hold of Lyle directly. For efficiency purposes I know that they do them in batches. Hope this helps.:)


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2014
I know that mine didn't take that long......Sheesh, 5 years doesn't seem like @Lyle Borders. I believe he is the one that does the Elite Membership stuff I remember when I became an Elite Member I got a package in the mail with all sorts of goodies including my Stainless Steel Card with my name on it. Maybe you should try getting a hold of Lyle directly. For efficiency purposes I know that they do them in batches. Hope this helps.:)

Hey, thank you for your answer. I am pretty sure I talked to him here on forums and by email 2-3 times a year ago. What I was told is described in my post. :p
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Elite Member
Jul 18, 2015
Yeah, I haven't gotten mine either. I have not been diligent about following up, since it doesn't weight heavy on my mind or anything. I was thinking that whenever it arrived it would be a pleasant surprise. Anyhow, good luck!


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2014
Yeah, I haven't gotten mine either. I have not been diligent about following up, since it doesn't weight heavy on my mind or anything. I was thinking that whenever it arrived it would be a pleasant surprise. Anyhow, good luck!

Mine wasn't "heavy on my mind" as well until everyone in T11 started talking non-sense which just confuses me.
It just doesn't make sense that it is impossible to make and send me the thing in 5 years, or at least a year when I constantly remind of it.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2014
So they sent it but it got lost in the mail?

They said they sent in October/November 2018. After that they told like 3-4 times in 2019 already, that “they made individually and etc”. Nothing about it being sent/lost and anything else.
I don’t really believe they sent it back then. As they always say the same thing and can’t straight forward explain what’s going on when I ask about it.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Thank you for reading this.

Hey Adynamia,

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry for any delay or trouble. Nobody is trying to ignore you - Instagram is just where our team shares pictures. That isn't the best place to reach out for questions or concerns, as they can easily get lost in all the replies.

I took a look back at the history I am showing for your account. I definitely see a card sent to you WAY back. I also show that we re-printed a card for you in our last printing.

Shoot me a PM here, and I will take a look and see what I can dig up. We will get things sorted out for you ASAP this week.

No, nothing in the order section.

Elite Cards are not shipped from our warehouse these days, so you won't see an order in your account for one.


// L
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