I think that E has been criticized unfairly. I believe that whatever flaws they may have, be it thread-deleting mods, or close-minded users, has all bleen taken a little over the edge. I do not go on their forums regularly, but from what I've seen msot of the people there are curteous and helpful. I've heard mostly horror-stories second or third hand, and what I've heard, I haven't liked, however I haven't spent enough time there to make up my own opinion.
I think that users here have been too quick to judge E, and that users at sites such as E and Penguin have been too quick to judge us.
And that is all I shall say on the matter for the time being.
I think that users here have been too quick to judge E, and that users at sites such as E and Penguin have been too quick to judge us.
And that is all I shall say on the matter for the time being.