Ellusionist or Theory11?

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The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I think that E has been criticized unfairly. I believe that whatever flaws they may have, be it thread-deleting mods, or close-minded users, has all bleen taken a little over the edge. I do not go on their forums regularly, but from what I've seen msot of the people there are curteous and helpful. I've heard mostly horror-stories second or third hand, and what I've heard, I haven't liked, however I haven't spent enough time there to make up my own opinion.
I think that users here have been too quick to judge E, and that users at sites such as E and Penguin have been too quick to judge us.
And that is all I shall say on the matter for the time being.

Brewery Rabbit

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Poulsbo, Wa
Please refrain from personally attacking others. This goes for everyone - we encourage discussion & debate, but there's no need for personal attacks here.

Guys he's right, Thats why i havent posted in this thread. its getting to violent.

We all need to give eachother a big hug and be nice.
*Group hugs Jon, Wayne, Danny, Dana, JTM, TDA and avancer*

See i feel better.
*Runs away with clippings of Waynes and dannys hair*
*Runs back and Snips some of danas hair*
Double Whammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aug 30, 2007
Guys he's right, Thats why i havent posted in this thread. its getting to violent.

We all need to give eachother a big hug and be nice.
*Group hugs Jon, Wayne, Danny, JTM, TDA and avancer*

See i feel better.
*Runs away with clippings of Waynes and dannys hair*

Put down the fists...

... and pick up a hug.

I love cheese... and YOU!
Aug 30, 2007
You need to get a tatoo on your arm in super small print that says "Property Of Mr. Wayne Houchin"

A) I do not need that tattoo.

B) I am changing my password.

C) You suck Houchin.

D) I'm gonna get you back.

E) And film it.

F) And post it on the media section.

The REAL Dana
Your ignorance is refreshing...no, wait...no its not.

Negative reviews are always welcome on E as long as there is rational reasons offered for it. If you spend any time there, then you know that. I have a feeling, a strong feeling, that you used to be a member of E and that you were banned for being who you are...now you will go out of your way to down E at any opportunity. That's OK, you can bray into the night all you want.

Guys, I see some very ignorant posting in this thread, and I see some very enlightened posting. T11 and Ellusionist will each make it on their own merits and there is no need to try to tear either of them down. Do I agree with how this site came into existence? No. However, I am over it and can only hope that T11 lives up to their pre-hype and becomes a community that unites magicians and produces magic that does not end up in your bottom drawer next to Jonathan's Teletubbies. I guess my point is that each site needs to be judged on what they do on a daily basis. I have no reason to condemn T11 since the people who run it seem to be doing their best to make it the best it can be.


I'm staying away from the attacking, but your really "strong" feeling was wrong. Guess it couldn't have been too strong. I was never banned from E. Never post there, but I see what happens when something bad is said about there products. Which is why I stay away from those forums. Not enough room to breath. Keeping it clean, I thought your post was(lets not use the same word you did) judging what I did. I never have been banned from any forums. I stay out of trouble, but express my opinions. Looked like you didn't like that very much.


I'm joining this big man hug now. Feels great.
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