G.O.A.T. Change Performance

Mar 29, 2008

Your handling looks SO much better, even your posts show more maturity, than when I first saw you on this site. It is nice to see you progress. Sorry that you miss your Grandfather - but I bet two things - he misses you the same and he is very proud of your accomplishments.

See you around the forum.

PS - Praetoritevong shouldn't have to do magic to show how sick he is...many can learn moves, few have the intelligence to make them interesting. Prae is as good as his name is long and hard to spell without looking.

Sep 7, 2008
"Your magic doesn't have to impress magicians, or be the latest and most popular, to be good."

That's a good way to say it, but I still stand by my original sentence. So many magicians, mostly younger guys, think that they need to learn all the flourishes and all the D&D material because it looks cool and flashy. When in reality, the classic Red Hot Mama would be more impressive than any of the Buck Twin's effects. A standard Hermann/Classic pass would beat the Clip Shift any day. The audience doesn't care how you change a card into theirs, they only care how you presented it and about the magic itself.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
JP - Yeah that's fair enough, it's a very good point.

Sean - LOL.

Morgician - Thanks for the support and kind words, very true.

spades - I don't film my best material; regardless, I'm nothing extraordinary as you'll realise from the videos, but I do love performance theory and stuff like that with audiences, big buff of stuff like that - I'd like to think I'm better live, anyway. I'd love to perform live, if chance ever places us closer together :)
Mar 29, 2008
Yeah Matt - I meant better than what I have seen you do in the past, better than most...overall, just plain better. You are very welcome, glad my praise is appreciated, as seeing good magic is equally apprecaited by me, and I am sure the members.
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