You mentioned that I “attacked you and your friends when you gave your opinions” – referring to my original comment that kicked this whole argument off.
Again, I admit I should have used softer language. I was in a hurry and just wanted to quickly clarify the point that full-deck controls still have their place in modern cheating scenarios.
But I’m glad you used the word “opinions” in your response. You didn’t state an opinion, you stated a fact (incorrectly, as it were). You said that full-deck controls were pointless and useless. That’s just wrong and you got called on it. Like I mentioned earlier, had you used language that wasn’t so absolute in tone, I wouldn’t have found anything to argue with in the first place.
“I don’t like full-deck controls” can’t be argued with. Neither can, “Full-deck controls are only used in specific circumstances that don’t come up too often.”
You want to know what can be disputed? “(A)nyone that understands anything about gambling work knows that full deck controls are utterly pointless.”
Again, that’s not as much an opinion as a statement of fact. If you want to tell me that you like strawberry ice cream better than vanilla, I don’t have much to say about it. But if you try and tell me that strawberry outsells vanilla five to one, I’ll tell you that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Next issue: backing up what you say.
“But, I will tell you stratight up that I'm not going to sit here and say that because of my connections I automatically know what I'm talking about, unlike jason.”
Unknown, it isn’t because of my connections that I “automatically know what I’m talking about.” I actually talk to and learn from these guys. You may find this hard to believe, but it’s
because of my reliance on others that I know what I know. Your statement above makes it sound like listening to people that have been there and done it is a bad thing. And I know you don't think that.
However, unlike you, at the time I replied, I provided some evidence for my statements. Since I also don’t travel the U.S. cheating at cards, I have to rely on the accounts of people that are actually there or that have been there. I didn’t mention that I have lunch with a traveling mechanic in an attempt to show off, I mentioned it to provide evidence that full-deck controls
are being used in today’s cheating environments. He does it every day and tells me about it. These are facts, not opinions.
You had a statement that wasn’t backed up by anything. I at least made an effort at supporting my statement of fact by referencing an actual, in-the-trenches mechanic. I didn’t give his name to protect him, but many of the people that read this will be able to guess who I have to be talking about.
Next topic: bninroC69’s stacking vs mine.
I thought he did a great job! I’m not sure how this became a “me vs him” issue (other than you making it one), but my hat’s off to him. He’s accomplished a lot in the few months that he’s been practicing.
However, his video and my 1-on-1 have different goals. His was to show what he can do and it did that very well. Mine was to teach a concept that many people seem to have trouble with (for some reason). If my goals were the same as his I might’ve made different choices.
As for things like camera angle, I think you’re fooling yourself if you believe that everyone at the card table gets the same “straight on” angle (your words, not mine). The fact is (there I go again, dealing in facts…), poker tables, whether round, square or oblong don’t give everyone at the table the same straight-on angle. The guy in the 1 seat and the guy in the 3 seat get completely different angles, to say nothing of the guys in the 5 seat or the 8 seat. I’m not sure what your “straight-on” angle comment was supposed to mean, but if I had to take it at face value I’d say you have “no idea what you’re talking about.” Whoops. I meant to say, “My experience differs from yours, sir.”
Rhythm (or, if you prefer, rythm): Again, bninroC69’s was excellent! Mine was artificial because I was trying to concentrate on teaching as opposed to nailing a good take. Also, I frequently was going for much larger numbers than bninroC69’s example. That isn’t said in an effort to belittle him or his terrific accomplishments. I mention it only because rhythm takes a back seat to accuracy when you’re trying to push the envelope in an instructional video. I can assure you that I prize rhythm as much as anyone when it comes to really making these things look great in the real world.
Message to bninroC69:
Your stacking video looked great considering the limited time you’ve had to work on the move. If you haven’t already gotten the 1-on-1 download on riffle stacking, it’s yours. My gift to you. J.Bayme will set it up. If you've already got it, I'll get you something else down the road.
It’s my way of saying that I apologize for not taking the time to be more tactful when I critiqued your (and Unknown’s) choice of words. I understand now that you knew more than your phrasing indicated.
Back to Unknown:
With regard to “free drops” vs riffling off. I’m well aware of the concept. I’m also aware of who first made you aware of it. Clock and Mr. Z are friends with me too you know.
I simply chose not to explore an advanced concept on a video designed for beginners that are still struggling with the very idea of holding back a set number of cards. The 1-on-1 was already at 40 minutes and adding refining minutia seemed like more trouble than it was worth at the time. This is especially true when you consider that a discussion of free drops vs riffling off can easily be done in a thread amongst people that are really intersted in taking their stacking to the next level.
With regard to my finances:
“The only reason he made this download is to make a quick buck”
You got me. Like Erdnase, I “needed the money” and making 1-on-1 downloads is the quick and easy path to riches. What can I say? J.B. can tell you about the hundreds of phone calls and emails I sent him begging him to let me make 1-on-1s for Theory 11 in the early days.
Actually, he can’t, because I didn’t. He’ll be the first to tell you that I was very reluctant to make a 1-on-1 because I didn’t think I had any effects worth teaching. It was only after we discussed it several times that we agreed that I could just concentrate on techniques rather than teaching effects.
I can assure you that I don’t do this for the “quick bucks.” Here’s some advice: Don’t talk about things you don’t know about. You have enough trouble discussing things you
do know about.
Finally, let’s discuss words like “poser” and phrases like “false aura of expertise.”
I’m not sure what these things are supposed to mean. Are you implying that I’m posing as a real gambler or a cheater? I’m not, nor was I ever doing so as far as I know. I have been hired as a consultant on film and television where gambling is concerned, I have proofread and given advice (admittedly in a limited capacity) on the two best books on cheating published in the last 100 years, I have consulted (again, in minor ways) on other books on card cheating, and I have actually been a private consultant to a real casino on real (suspected) cheating cases. In addition, I attended dealer’s school in an effort to further my knowledge of the industry and how it works, I attend the G2E (the largest gambling trade show in America) every year to discuss and learn, I attended the World Gaming Protection conference last year as a guest of the host and I’m tentatively scheduled to give a talk at the upcoming WGC in February. I ask questions of industry (and non-industry) sources and I listen carefully to the answers.
In short, I’m doing my best to further my own knowledge and skill set, all the while taking time to try and help people (as I’ve been helped by others) with the raw techniques that we all love so much.
What have you done this year? Where does your expertise and knowledge come from? I mean, apart from the 150+ nights per year you’ve been slaving away at the tables of course….
Ok, so now that all the sniping and name calling is out of the way, I’d like to end on a positive note since I don’t dislike you nor am I mad that you lost it a little bit over my initial reply. It’s good to see fire and passion once in a while, even if some of it was misplaced and poorly executed.
Here goes:
My apology for not being more tactful with my original reply was, and is, sincere. I made a mistake. I hope though, that by taking the time to address many, if not all of your “points” that I’ve shown I do care enough about the things you’ve said to respond. It would have been very easy to just dismiss you as a know-nothing kid. That isn’t how I feel though, and my little barbs at you along the way in
this post shouldn't be taken seriously.
From the “I give credit where credit is due” department: I watched (and have watched in the past) some of your videos. I like them even if I would have made different theatrical choices (any
real firearms expert can tell that’s not an actual gun in that scene….).
It’s clear to me you know how to handle a deck of cards, and your Erdnase longitudinal shift is one of the best I’ve seen. Keep that up. At least we share an obvious love of that book.
“legitimately argue your points and refute my argument with other things then telling me I know nothing,”
Consider it done.
PS: Unknown: As an olive branch of a sort, send me your address and I'll make sure a couple of decks of old-school Aristocrats find their way to your door.