Gold Artisans at Target.....BOLO!

Oct 2, 2018
Seems my timing was good, since Tropical Storm ETA was causing minor inconveniences where I live...luckily north.
Just happened to take a chance and hit the jackpot.
Happy Hunting...something to bring a little joy in the final days of 2020.
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Nov 29, 2020
I am grateful to have found your gold artisan deck. Randomly at target. As a kid I played with cards learned a few things from the library but never got the kind of reactions. Most just didnt care. So in time my interests faded all together. Now I'm getting those reactions, and fell for magic. I have been buying others and been going with the flow. My friends can't believe it. High Victorian was cool with its edges getting marked up, and one joker was on top. Had the biggest dick in the room open those. (Figuratively his is probably tiny. Lmao) Citizens was a waste lol. But did like the fine print. Harry Potter vibe;). Picked up the medallions love those. I'm on the hunt for something more now. Thank a bunch. I am grateful all who put in the effort on the decks. I've been telling anyone who wants to see a trick to go buy any of your decks from the local stores. I'm hoping to get more surprises an get to use what went into these.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2018
Honestly I've found GA at Target 6 times, but the last two I left for some other lucky folks.
That was very kind of you! The two Targets near me don't carry any Theory11 cards anymore, it kind of sucks.
Nov 27, 2020
Got lucky in Easton MD Target. Maybe 80 decks stacked 10 high tucked away in games. Found 1 Gold Artisans. Happy Holidays


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2018
All Target stores in the USA carry our cards - if they aren't there they may have run out and removed the display. Check back! Target actively send out additional stock to every store.

// L

Hi Lyle,

I think there are some smaller Target stores where this is not the case. When the first gold artisans were released I checked with my local target a few times over the course of 3-4 months before finding out from their management that the particular store has limited offerings in general compared to larger Targets and thus doesn’t carry your cards (It’s possible that is outdated - I can call them tomorrow). Would love to see theory11 cards at all stores, so if you think this isn’t in alignment with whatever agreement you have with Target, I’d be happy to send you more information about the particular location.
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