Gold monarchs quality

Feb 12, 2018
Hey guys,

I recently got a deck of gold monarchs and they felt really good out of the box, and they fanned really well, but then once I went back to it after a week or so, all the cards were stuck and weren't able to come iut of the tuck case..once I managed to get them out and I tried to fan them but it was all stuck/clamped together and I broke into them (by doing a few shuffles and springs, etc) but they still don't fan at all..I really loved the fan it used to give...Could anyone pls help me out, oh and I don't want to use fanning powder coz it may make it stick even more(as of what I've heard) anyone pls help
Jan 14, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
Where did you store the cards? I've had Monarchs for a few months now and they still handle as if new, even with constant use, so I'm guessing it's a result of moisture/humidity and heat.
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Nov 26, 2017
It also could have been because of the gold foil on the back of the cards. That's the main difference from other Monarch decks.
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Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hey guys,

I recently got a deck of gold monarchs and they felt really good out of the box, and they fanned really well, but then once I went back to it after a week or so, all the cards were stuck and weren't able to come iut of the tuck case..once I managed to get them out and I tried to fan them but it was all stuck/clamped together and I broke into them (by doing a few shuffles and springs, etc) but they still don't fan at all..I really loved the fan it used to give...Could anyone pls help me out, oh and I don't want to use fanning powder coz it may make it stick even more(as of what I've heard) anyone pls help

If you take care of a deck, there are only two things that will likely ruin it in the long term - dirt/oil from your hands, and humidity. If your deck ends up dirty or oily, it will be permanently changed for the worse. There are a few things you can do to make it "better", but it will never be the same once it gets gross. Washing your hands is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL if you have oily skin, if your hands sweat, or if your hands get dirty.

If your deck gets humid, the cards absorb moisture from the air and your hands. Cards are made of paper, and paper + water = bad. Humidity will make cards sticky and soft. This is not what you want at all. The good thing about humidity is that the damage is usually not permanent. Set a deck that is sticky from humidity in a cool, dry place for a while (a few days to a few weeks). If you have a heavy, flat object like a textbook, you can set that on the deck to help prevent warping as the deck drys out. After the deck has dried out, and after you give it a couple shuffles, it will be back to good shape. If it gets soft or sticky again? Repeat the process.

If you have issues getting the cards in and out of the box, this is a clear sign that your cards are humid and have swollen slightly. Remove the ad cards and put the rest back into the box. Removing those cards will help make room for the more important cards in the deck.

// L
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Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
It also could have been because of the gold foil on the back of the cards.

Hasn't ever seemed to affect handling at all in our testing. OPENED a box of Gold Monarchs? I think there is a bigger problem here!

Cards exist to be used! Gold Monarchs in particular. You can't enjoy the AMAZING foil back of the cards if they are still in the box!

// L


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I've had mine for quite a while with no issues at all. Really have lasted the same as any other deck. The problem is likely humidity or dirt/oil from your hands. If it is dirt/oil, you can try taking each card and rubbing both sides on a soft surface (like a close up mat), being careful to not bend or damage the card. This may get some of the gunk off. Then wash your hands before handling the cards will always help. - if this is the issue.
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Feb 12, 2018
And thanks a lot guys for helping...I think I made a mistake by keeping it to a shelf that was opposite to my window

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
now that @Lyle Borders is here, just wanna ask, I hope you guys are not running low on gold monarch, will there be a time these might go extinct and not offered as something to win in SNCs?

Gold Monarch are limited edition - at some unknown point in the future they will run out and not be reprinted. I can't say how close that point is (I don't even really know, I could make a guess but for no good reason), but rest assured that when they do disappear forever there will be something else that is amazingly cool soon after.

// L
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Feb 12, 2018
Hey guys,

Thanks for your help they worked
But I still have one issue..the cards come out of the box easily now but they still they don't fan and I don't know how to deal with that!
I've already shuffled it a few times and all that but still no luck! Any suggestions?

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
@Lyle Borders I'm curious whether fanning powder works well on Gold Monarchs or would the gold foil on the back of the cards make it less effective?

Fanning powder COMPLETELY changes how a deck feels and handles. I am 100% against the use of fanning powder myself. It makes the decks feel dirty and nasty, even if it does help things fan.

For those who like fanning powder, I would not expect any major difference between these cards and other cards.

// L
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