Improvising After A Mess Up

I usually always give myself a key card just in case, but if i really screw up i'll go into some small talk about card cheats who can give themselves any hand then i go to an ace production totally aborting the previous trick. After i get the aces i'll ask them to choose two and now these two will find their card, but because the aces were already in the deck when they chose their first card it wouldn't be fair so we'll pick a new card then go to a sandwich effect than back onto my routine. Of course this just an improv and you can do anything your mind permits just be open for anything. Good luck.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
I don't believe nobody mentioned Invisible Deck...
You lose a break, can't find their card? Just take out invisible deck and say "I'm not going to find your card in that deck, I'm gonna make it even more interesting and find it in this one. What was the name of your card?" and BAM! you got yourself a miracle ;)
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