
Brewery Rabbit

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Poulsbo, Wa
...and, ironically, it'd be a thread about moderation. Ha.

Let's stay on topic folks!

HA ha awesome

Hoped on for a midnight snack

Its popcorn
In the microwave

And Trevor. Your a party pooper.

I said that but the post "Goodnight" Had meaning.

CRUD!! Its burning ciao.


Sep 1, 2007
I think the vibe in here is great. It died down after the first week, and now things are ticking along really well.

Just wish there were a couple more forums...

Sep 14, 2007
I'm here guys, I'm here! Haha. Honestly, we don't want to place too many restrictions on our forums. We're digging the laid back, relaxed, and fun atmosphere.

I know it's a bit odd at first when compared to other forums you may have visited, as our rules are a bit lighter. But I can honestly say I haven't closed a single thread yet... and that makes me happy.

We're here for you guys. All we ask is that you follow the few rules we do have in place, and everything should be rockin'. Feel free to discuss everything with complete freedom. 'Cause that's what we're about. Word.

Like others, I am from E's forums...I never knew about theory 11 until I noticed everyone was talking about it. At first I thought itr was some sort of stupid theory someone wanted to argue about. But now...i see it's a great site with some of my favorite magicians!

I gotta say, Im pleased with the no character limit on our signatures. Becuase usually you cant fit enough info you want to on the sig :( but here you can :)
Well the hype has died down but we definetely NEED an off-topic forum, as well as a couple of mod's who can patrol day and night =p, but probably not until the later future since we seem alright now...but an off-topic forum is a must.

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