Most Dangerous Cut

Sep 1, 2007
I'll have to agree that the paper cut definitely ranks high on the dangerous list..
Job cut, power cut and water cut are pretty bad as well.
Jun 10, 2008
Keene, TX
Daren's Squeeze cut to D+m's Bicycle to DnD's Molecule 3 to a single card flourish to Kev H's single card closer thingy(I don't know what it's called).
May 9, 2008
The Scissor Cut of course! J/k. I think the coolest cust I can do right now is Eko! I really enjoy that. I'm working on XB2 Daniel Madison Cut! I'm really enjoying XB2 it as it teaches 5 Daniel Madison flourishes.


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
I think we ALL know that the most dangerous cut, is the King Cobra cut....wouldn't want to be around those, they are VERY venomous! I'd stay far and away....especially when they come in crossed formations!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

-Andrei Jikh
Jan 31, 2008
Location: Location
I think we ALL know that the most dangerous cut, is the King Cobra cut....wouldn't want to be around those, they are VERY venomous! I'd stay far and away....especially when they come in crossed formations!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

-Andrei Jikh

Crossed LX Quad 2-Headed Stacked Fanged Winged King Cobras are even more deadly Andrei! 4 heads plus new longer improved fangs! Although I doubt combining all the variations is humanly possible lol
Sep 27, 2007
Daren's Squeeze cut to D+m's Bicycle to DnD's Molecule 3 to a single card flourish to Kev H's single card closer thingy(I don't know what it's called).


The most dangerous cut is obviously the kind of cut you get from a jive 70's crackhead when he's all "I'm gonna cut you sucka!".

Ouch! My splein!:eek:
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
What the hell are you guys talking about? The most awesomest eye popping cut in history is the vertigo hackey sack! I mean, what looks more impossible than spinning a packet in the air and kicking it back up with your foot?!?!?
Sep 1, 2007
Its not a cut, but the Anti-Faro is so impressive to me, I think its a pretty bad-ass flourish.
Sep 1, 2007
Automatic Electric Deck! I once tried it with a pack of Jerry's and the cards flew underneath a giant spinning razor blade. You know what I did, they were Jerry's!

I mean seriously, can any one do the automatic electric deck with some height without dropping cards all over the floor and swearing like Brian Tudor? I highly suspect the photos in the Encyclopedia were faked.
Automatic Electric Deck! I once tried it with a pack of Jerry's and the cards flew underneath a giant spinning razor blade. You know what I did, they were Jerry's!

I mean seriously, can any one do the automatic electric deck with some height without dropping cards all over the floor and swearing like Brian Tudor? I highly suspect the photos in the Encyclopedia were faked.

Maybe your mama is fake.
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