Move Monkeys Wanted

It's been years since I've been on these forums. I used to perform a lot, but nowadays I'm much more of a hermit with the cards; I just practice moves for fun and to talk with other "magicians" online. Below are a few of my favorites.

If there is anyone still on these forums who likes poorly rendered videos of people of love being overly nit-picky about something apparently trivial, like holding a pinky break... Feel free to tell me a few of your favorites, I'm always looking for new stuff to learn.

Jul 13, 2014
Disgustingly clean. However in the first one, I noticed you clearly release the selection, then streamed the rest of the deck. That's something that I personally really hate. In the second, around 0:14 you flashed at the top edge. Other than those two points, I'd say technically perfect.


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
Disgustingly clean. However in the first one, I noticed you clearly release the selection, then streamed the rest of the deck. That's something that I personally really hate. In the second, around 0:14 you flashed at the top edge. Other than those two points, I'd say technically perfect.
That is typically how that peak is done, though. It is incredibly difficult to attain the break over the selection at the same speed you release the other cards. Not to mention that under the gun it's risky. A small touch would be not to release the other cards as fast after the break and/or lower the deck as your eyes meet the spectators.

That control is freaking clean. I've never seen that one before either. How long would you say that took you to get it to be that clean?
Feb 18, 2015
Holy! Thats the cleanest cascade control I have seen yet! Check out Raise Rise! Its very challenging and fun to learn!
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