My Modified Version :: Top Shot

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Jan 11, 2008
I 100% agree with RD!

Donald you just "discovered" a simple move using a Top Shot, yet you are claiming YOU created it.

There's no need to say you created a move, just to boost your ego.

Nov 10, 2007
Get down from your ego cloud will ya? you could hurt yourself if you fall from there.


There isnt a single bit of performance in you, you simple dont want to progress, I feel pity for you, really, we have tried really hard in the past to change you and to make you improve, you insist to be that way? have it your way then burguer king.

And Im saying this in a nice way, please, mature.

EDIT:: this is my 1000th post ! hooray!

Hahha I laugh at that, I am sorry RD Chopper but if you are going to call me not a magician or performer all I have to do is laugh:p.
You are saying I am egotistical because I said I came up with a move on my own and told people about it:p
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
Hahha I laugh at that, I am sorry RD Chopper but if you are going to call me not a magician or performer all I have to do is laugh:p.
You are saying I am egotistical because I said I came up with a move on my own and told people about it:p

Well, at least you were kind and mature about it. The reason people are calling you egotistical is not because you came up with a move on your own. It is because you have claimed this move to be original, that you're the only person to ever come up with it and now you expect praise. When someone proves you wrong or dissagrees with you, you get upset and respond the same way each time.
Nov 10, 2007
The ONLY reason I am upset in this thread is because I was not trying to be a "show-off" but was trying to give people another way to do the top-shot if they wanted a slow reveal instead of it always landing face-up. I put alot of time into thinking how I would do that and wanting to share it with the manyof you guys who do this move. How was I suppose to know that someone already came up with it, all I was saying is that I thought of it by myself.
I was hesistant on putting this up here because I don't want anyone to take my move and call it theirs',
This is the point everyone having problem with.

Reinvention happens all the time. Everyone becomes frustrated when they reinvent the wheel. The problem with your post is that you want to protect your credit to a move that many think its something anyone can obviously arrive at.

You could call it your move or X's move or any name you want, you're not the first and wont be the last, this is something that gives the magic literature its chaotic nature. In the end, its a small modification that you and many others independently arrived at. Typing a post to claim credit to the move is laughable ( and I dont mean that in a mean way ).

Cheers, and keep thinking
Nov 10, 2007
This is the point everyone having problem with.

Reinvention happens all the time. Everyone becomes frustrated when they reinvent the wheel. The problem with your post is that you want to protect your credit to a move that many think its something anyone can obviously arrive at.

You could call it your move or X's move or any name you want, you're not the first and wont be the last, this is something that gives the magic literature its chaotic nature. In the end, its a small modification that you and many others independently arrived at. Typing a post to claim credit to the move is laughable ( and I dont mean that in a mean way ).

Cheers, and keep thinking

Now I understand more, I guess I really thought I was the only person to think of this, obviously other people have, sorry to the other people that have already thought of this.
sorry to the other people that have already thought of this.
Nothing you should apologize for. Word of advice, while alot of people have been reinventing the wheel, cars were only invented more or less 8000 years later.

Keep thinking, you might on hit upon something. You'll never know. The reason I'm saying this because it happened to me and many others. Dont let reinventing discourage you.

Sep 1, 2007
Lennart Green has done this himself. I was at one of his lectures where he demonstrated different variations of the move. Amongst the things were boomerang shot, second shot, third shot, top shot to lateral palm, color change, and yes - the face down shot. I think some of these can be also found from the Green Magic vol. 1 video.
Apr 27, 2008
Lennart Green has done this himself. I was at one of his lectures where he demonstrated different variations of the move. Amongst the things were boomerang shot, second shot, third shot, top shot to lateral palm, color change, and yes - the face down shot. I think some of these can be also found from the Green Magic vol. 1 video.

I vaguely remember seeing some of those, yes.

Hey everyone,

I just removed about 6 posts in this thread which were very disrespectful to eachother, profanity laden and just down right stupid.

Is it really that hard to not flame people and solve problems in a mature manner? The thread will be remained closed for now, but I may re-open it later on.

We all need to learn to respect one another's opinions and to not automatically go into "attack mode" everytime someone disagrees with someone else.

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