Profanity on the Site

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Actually that's impossible, because using foul language in public settings is considered bad etiquette which includes lack of maturity.

And for those lying to themselves and making excuses like "everybody does it," or "they'll hear it on T.V. anyway," you've acknowledged that it is a problem, and those responses do nothing to solve it. Furthermore, those are blanket statements that are not true. I grew up around a sailor's mouth, I've deal with types of abuse during my childhood, and I was being subjected to nudity when I was a toddler(in movies).

Yet, I do not curse, AT ALL. I am not violent, physically or verbally. And I've grown to respect women as people and not pieces of meat.

Making excuses and trying to let the topic slide off does nothing to offer relevant or significant contribution.

|| sean ||

No, I see where your coming from I was saying that I as in myself, don't have a problem with it. I'm not saying everyone doesn't mind swearing, I'm stating my own opinion, not a universal one.

Sep 4, 2007

As I'm sure you have noticed, there is a freedom in the forums. The majority of our members are mature enough to handle intelligent, knowledgeable, and professional conversations with each other. As a result, there is much freedom in the forums, as moderation is not hands-on, which brings a laid-back, relaxed, and fun atmosphere.


I have to agree with the person who started the thread. Even if the most vulgar words are filtered out, there is a lot of filth that gets through. I am a little (lot) surprised since J.Bayme firmly believed that it could not be that way at Ellusionist. This makes me think he is going against principle in an effort to make T11 stand differently from Ellusionist. However, he is the CEO and gets to make his own rules.

Jack, the majority of forum members are not mature and cosmopolitan and they simply use language like that as a weapon and not a tool. I am not downing the fact that they are young, young is what makes Ellusionist interesting, but I do not think they need an outlet to practice their language skills. I would love you all to have a parent's day on Theory11 where they could read those posts. Tell me, honestly, how many of these users would be told they could not come back here? I would not let my daughters on here...not because it is not a good site, but because of the profanity.




that girl who posts videos sometimes / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
I think its ironic that the person who started this put the word "HO" two times in his signature. Being that I am a girl on this site I must say that I am mildly offended by this statement. If you are going to degrade women in that sense, you should probably look elsewhere to post.

OK honestly guys. This is ridiculous. All serious cuss words are already filtered out - the only ones that aren't are the ones that they don't filter out on MTV. "Kick A$$" is a great way to describe something. Plus everyone on here I'm sure is allowed to watch PG-13 movies. The only way to get through this thing called "life" is to simply ignore what you don't 100% agree with. Especially since the generation we have has 'the MTV,' movies like "American Pie," and the XM radio that does not have a censor on most of the channels.

If they are allowed to say it on MTV then we can read it here. The majority of the members here are in fact mature, professional, and civil. And if ever there is an issue, that's what the moderators are here for.


PS: If you are easily offended, I suggest you watch Chris Kenner's outtakes 1.
Oct 21, 2007
Katie, right on. I couldn't agree more with what you said. Personally I believe if you can't take a little swearing here and there, then magic definitly isn't for you unless you just practice it and never show it. When most of you start going out and performing amazing routines, your going to hear things that people say when they get excited that are worse then dropping the F-bomb.

Katie, sorry but I must have been stuck in a cave or something....XM radio?
Sep 2, 2007
Huh. . . I just ran a rudimentary test of the filters, and it performed pretty much as I expected. . . it let through piss, ass, hell, damn, and rooster (ten magical internet bucks says at least three people ask what I'm talking about with that last one).

Honestly, I throw one in here or there, and I don't think it's a big deal. For the most part, though, I try to stick to euphamisms, many of which I invent on the spot, like telling someone to "go eat [peat moss], you son of a [parrot biter]." It's just more fun that way.
Sep 2, 2007
It's ironic that people talk about being mature with respect to profanity, when most of the time people use profanity is when they are acting like children. I stopped cursing when I was 17 or 18. That's when I realized that it only made me sound like an idiot. Some people don't have any personal issues with that though.

I'm still not sure how this pertains to magic though: maybe people use it as misdirection?
HAHAHA... not to sound like a mindfreak junkie but Criss Angel used this once... okay every episode... "Was that your card? No? OH SH*T!"

After the outakes i'de kill to see George The Monkey do a trick... "Put the card in the center... oh &%^%$ I dropped my break."

Ms. Egelston, I about died when you said to watch Mr. Kenner's outakes.. haha


The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I'm sure that if you overacted with your language it could be funny.
Actually, I KNOW that it can be funny, however, if you're going to use more "colorful" language make sure that you do it age appropriate, and with people who wouldn't take offense to it.

Brewery Rabbit

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Poulsbo, Wa
Robin WIlliams.
That ssome serious bad, Insulting funny comedy.
Thats what this thread reminds me of.
But i would like to see alot less language.
Even though i am not perfect.
It would be nice.
Sep 24, 2007
I'm sorry if i offended anyone... but I only say HOHO! because I ummm.. well it might not make much sense to you, but i'm trying to get into the Santa Clause spirit. (Don't ask.)

I have to agree with the person who started the thread. Even if the most vulgar words are filtered out, there is a lot of filth that gets through. I am a little (lot) surprised since J.Bayme firmly believed that it could not be that way at Ellusionist. This makes me think he is going against principle in an effort to make T11 stand differently from Ellusionist. However, he is the CEO and gets to make his own rules.

Jack, the majority of forum members are not mature and cosmopolitan and they simply use language like that as a weapon and not a tool. I am not downing the fact that they are young, young is what makes Ellusionist interesting, but I do not think they need an outlet to practice their language skills. I would love you all to have a parent's day on Theory11 where they could read those posts. Tell me, honestly, how many of these users would be told they could not come back here? I would not let my daughters on here...not because it is not a good site, but because of the profanity.



In my opinion language has nothing to do with how mature you are. If you swear to "Sound Cool" then yeah but I don't. I swear but its because its ME. I have chosen to swear and that my choice. I swear because I just do... I don't swear in performances or in situations I know I shouldn't. I am MATURE about when I use swearing because I understand I don't have a problem with it but others may.

Do I swear to much on here? Probably. But its an online COMMUNITY. I go to IBM every few weeks and people swear there. I went to foodlion the other day and lady was cussing... its part of life and a community. If you believe it is offensive and don't wish to read it then don't.... plain and simple. Any info on here you NEED to know will not have profanity... atleast from me.

Sep 1, 2007
Anybody listen to that Dane Cook but about the F-word? That is so true.

You just cannot top "****." It just feels good to say.

Pops off the tongue.

I could care less aboot (yes, aboot) the connotations.

It's like biting into a crisp apple. "This looks tasty...mmm...* **** *...mmm, that's a mighty tasty apple."

You know I'm right.

Unfortunately, you will never be able to eat an apple in public ever again. Sorry.

Look, all I'm saying is, don't sweat the small stuff. Cursing is small.


SVP, theory11
Team member
Aug 5, 2007

I think Katie said all that was needed to be said. I mean... I'm sure there's more that can be said... but uh... actually, no... no that pretty much covers it.

Anyway, I'm closing this thread so that we can get back to the magic. Do note that we've taken the liberty of setting censors on all the major curse words. So I couldn't say things like **** ************* **** **** and ********* ********* ********* ******* Dana Hocking.

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