just as you said with dan, thats what i love about kevin parker, i think he maturation and quality of his effect since his first release has gotten better and he keeps doing it...the kool thing about kevin is that when you learn the secrets, the first thing that comes to a person mind is "damn thats so simple, i could've come up with that"...its simple but very effective...kevin parker is one of my favorites....he doesn't uses these high price gimmicks, he uses normal stuff, everyday stuff, and does his thang...
i might be exaggerating but if i'll go on record for saying this:
If you gave kevin parker a rock, he'd build an entire castle......
well he is indeed one of the most creative minds now...I know a lot of people says that his stuff is garbage..but if you could look at his new stuff you will be amazed, personally "From Nothing" is one of my most common used effects with fruit
..besides everyone here know who he is...and the people that bash him are forgotten very quickly