So the other day I received my gold Artisan and thus completing my Holy Trinity of Gold Theory11 decks. As you can see here.
This got me thinking about rare magic products. Now, you may recall I have a tiny collection of Autographed magic books. Including A mark Wilsons complete course in magic hat can be seen here as well as an autographed copy of the magic of Michael Ammar with a signature literally older than me (Its dated 1997).
This fascination probably stems from my love of collecting. That is thanks in part to watching Pawn Stars with my now Late grandmother when I was a child. this includes one of my favorite segments in which Rick desperately attempts to lowball an extremely rare Houdini Escape jacket after it is Authenticated.
HOWEVER extremely recently Pawn Stars' Magic expert Murray appeared along side Rebecca( the most beloved Pawn Stars Expert by the fans) as they team up to price an Annotated first edition copy of Expert at the card Table (some obscure magic book or something). This is easily one of my favorite segments in the shows history
It was just so fun to here laymen try to also answer WHO WAS ERDNASE?
There we go I think i rambled about Magic products long enough. I'm just extremely curious what do you guys have? Anything rare or obscure?
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This fascination probably stems from my love of collecting. That is thanks in part to watching Pawn Stars with my now Late grandmother when I was a child. this includes one of my favorite segments in which Rick desperately attempts to lowball an extremely rare Houdini Escape jacket after it is Authenticated.
There we go I think i rambled about Magic products long enough. I'm just extremely curious what do you guys have? Anything rare or obscure?