Saturday Night Contest - 13 Years!


Elite Member
May 6, 2013
Happy birthday T11!

Joined this community in ~middle of 2013, if i remember correctly. Damn what a long ride this has been already.
I think my favorite product was the Rebels Deck that i so much love even now when it's down and beaten.

Good luck on the following decade T11 !
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Feb 25, 2018
I joined this community FEB 25, 2018
I love it and have been into magic since then. My favorite release has to be the DMB spread control 2.0 because it’s so clean and I use it all the time! Happy Birthday Theory11!
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Elite Member
Jul 19, 2014
I am a member of Th11 since 07/2014. My first deck ever of your company was the Blue Monarchs, and at the moment I have the complete set of these beautiful cards!
Happy birthday :)
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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The Mystery Box Lockbox has to be my all-time favorite. Even though I figured out the combination shortly after it was released, I've never opened the box. As soon as the lock opens my heart races and I can't bring myself to move beyond that. The mystery of it has been a great conversation starter with houseguests and friends. The online puzzle was also a lot of fun until we got to section 05 and the madness set in.
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Elite Member
Jan 13, 2019
my dad bought me the snl deck while in new york. one of the coolest decks i’d seen ever. checked out the brand and my collection has skyrocketed from there.
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Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
Discovered T11 in 2016, fresh off completing my magic course via Jarek120 YouTube channel. lol
First effect I purchased was David Williamson's Torn and Restored Transpo. One of my favorite effects ever, even the packaging was top notch.
Thanks and Cheers to Theory 11!!
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Jun 8, 2020
I joined in June of this year after discovering and giving the Star Wars decks as a gift, and I have to say, from what I've seen those are my favorite product! They are so beautiful and intricate, just like everything else on T11. This website has also helped me a ton on magic, which I started in January! Congrats on 13 years!!
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Elite Member
Dec 7, 2007
Congratulations on 13 years!

I joined back in December 2007. I can't remember how I came across theory 11 but I became hooked instantly. The quality and work that was being but into every single project whether it be a 1 on 1 or a deck of cards just showed. These guys have it thier all and always did their best.

My personal favourite project was The Code with Andy Nyman. It opened up new doors for me and let me do things that I wasn't able to before as cleanly as I could with the code. Im happy to see how far they have come and all the amazing project they have worked on over the years. Looking forward to see what their future holds.

All the best and thank you Theory 11!
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Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
I joined t11 the July 8th 2013 ... Just some months later I started to get fascinated by Magic and Cardistry...
And that point, one of the most useful tutorials I found was the Genesys project by Andrei Jikh, which gave me the basis on Cardistry and one of my always favourites...
Happy 13 years, guys!
And I hope you can keep this path forever, to bring the community all the support you, directly and indirectly, always give!
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Elite Member
According to my account, I've been a member since 2011, but I know I was around a lot longer than that. Theory 11 was super inspiring to me as a teen magician and I looked up to all the guys who were a part of it. The video intro's and trailers were iconic for the time, and as a music producer as well, I was low-key obsessed with Dana Hocking and the cool tracks he'd make for every project; I had all his albums.
I've taken part in some of the charities in the past which I really appreciate Theory 11 focusing on, and I still sometimes miss the weekly Expose show with Zach and Christen.

My favourite trick during that time was Wayne Houchin's Distortion, although the trick that has hands down gotten the most use is Smoke by Alan Rorrison.

All the best to the company and your future continued success; I've been a huge fan from the beginning!
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Nov 13, 2019
I am quite young compared to most of this community, I joined quite late it Nov 2019 but I have been following for along time, I mostly started with the marketplace as I was strapped for cash and running out of good youtube tutorials, i enjoyed reading alot of forums etc. in my free-time.
The one I most want is cyber but sadly I have an android, but the best one is double cross, as I enjoy doing stuff that isn't card related, and doesn't seem like a sleight but real magic.

Good luck in the future, can't wait to see how far the magic community will have progressed in another 13 years, and I hope I will continue following my dream of being a professional magician!
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Apr 11, 2016
I joined theory11 in 2016 when I was trying to add new decks to my collection, my favorite release is citizens playing cards, I don't know but every time I see this deck I imagine my self on the moon playing with them haha
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Dec 25, 2017
I joined in 2017 when I saw the High Victorian deck on a designer's Dribbble page, Joe White. Overall the quality of design at theory11 is extremely well-thought-out. I am torn between NPH and Provision, but maybe NPH is my favorite deck in terms of the values. Designed by two respectable humans, Neil Patrick Harris and Jay Fletcher. I love collaborations like that and looking forward to seeing more of them. theory11 never disappoints!


Elite Member
Mar 12, 2020
We’ll never forget discovering the cards at our local bookstore. From there, the website opened one great thing after another. The tricks, the cards, the Saturday Night Contests have all been a blast! Some of our favorites have been the NPH deck (we loved the extra website challenge), Double Agent, and of course, you can’t go wrong with anything Star Wars! Thank you for the great family entertainment and memories!
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Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017
First of all, happy birthday to Theory11 and a huge congratulation to all of its staffs! Very well deserved 13 years of hard work.

Weirdly enough, I discovered Theory11 on Amazon, yes the online shopping site, back in 2015. When I first learned about cardistry thru a promotional video by Virtuoso, the cardistry team, I immediately went on to Amazon to shop for some cheap playing cards to give cardistry a try. To my surprise, I did not expect that there would be so many designs to choose from, let alone how beautifully designed each one were. Next thing I know was that I had a bunch of cards sitting in my cart already, that's when I knew I would be buying way too much and had slim down back to a couple of decks. One card company that kept popping up in the bulk of cards that I was choosing from was Theory11, that's when I decided to look it up and see what they really have in store. And the rest is history.

I feel like it would be such an easy and cop-out answer if I were to just pick a playing card to be my favorite item ever released by Theory11. Theory11 definitely deserves more recognition than just their amazing playing cards. With that being said, my absolute favorite release has to be the Contraband Book Lamp. I got this book lamp just last year and it has since been my favorite conversation piece whenever I have family and friends over. From the first glance, the book lamp itself is very elegant, intriguing, and beautifully crafted already, but beyond that I just love the fact that each book lamp is handmade and one-of-a-kind, I feel safe knowing that no one else would have the exact same lamp as mine and vice versa! Moreover, the book lamp overall is very well-made and not cheaply slapped together. The secret compartment fits very nicely to the theme "Contraband." Once again, Theory11 proves to me that they really think outside (or inside in this case) the box and not pump out products just to flood their store.

My favorite reaction I have gotten so far for the book lamp is, "whoa! This actually turns on?"

Attached is the photo of my Contraband Book Lamp, I definitely recommend picking one up!

p.s. And happy Labor Day, everyone!


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Elite Member
Jul 9, 2018
I became a member in July 2018 and that is when my Monarch addiction began!
I'm also a big fan of Marked decks so I love the Tycoons. Thanks for all you hard work is making such amazing products! Happy Birthday.
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