Saturday Night Contest - 30 Seconds of Change

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
What’s up everyone! Sorry for the wait! Had some difficulties, but here we are!

Tonight’s challenge is very interesting – it involves speed. We have done speed challenges with our artists before, like the Pushup Contest we had a few weeks ago with Andrei Jikh and Patrick Kun. But tonight, the speed challenge is going to be for you.

The challenge is to see who can perform the most color changes in 30 seconds. It can be your choice - one specific color change over and over in 30 seconds, or multiple color changes - whatever you'd like (Revolver, Classic Color Change, then Gorilla, etc) in 30 seconds. The choice is yours!

Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo, and post the link to your public video in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:30pm EDT. After time is up, our panel of judges will decide on a winner for tonight’s challenge. Technique must be passable in order to prevent exposure of the moves within your video. So don't rush too much!

What is up for grabs? A deck of White Monarchs and the new Rapture DVD, one of multiple releases arriving next Friday, June 22nd!

We can’t wait to see your entries - start warming up those fingers!
Sep 3, 2011
Middle of nowhere NY
A question considering the judging of this contest- is who wins going to be based purely on the number of color changes each participant (cleanly) executes, that is, the person with the most color changes wins, or are other factors considered, such as routine, flow, difficulty of changes, and so forth?

Edited for grammar.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
A question considering the judging of this contest- is the who wins going to be based purely on the number of color changes each participant (cleanly) executes, that is, the person with the most color changes wins, or are other factors considered, such a routine, flow, difficulty of changes, and so forth?

Judging will be based only on the number of color changes clearly, cleanly executed within the 30 second timespan. Good luck and may the fastest win!
Jun 9, 2012
one question can the card change into only 2 different cards like jack of clubs into the ace of hearts and back into the jack and back to the ace? thanks.
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