This is Arissa Beck reporting from CNN news, today David Blaine has publicly confirmed his next big stunt.
Magician Blaine reports that in his next TV special, airing June Second on NBC, he will attempt to dive into a 95 degree pool, filled with his own feces.
When we asked the Dare-Devil magician why he would choose to swim in his own bowel excrements, Blaine countered, "Why not? When I see other "Stunts-men" do something dangerous, I want to cringe, and feel they're pain. When I see a guy shove a sword down his throat, I think, Who cares? But when I see someone swim in there own doody, man, I get goosebumps"
Blaine will attempt to stay afloat in the mess for a long and gruesome 27 days. He will not be fed for the entire length of the stunt, but if he chooses to, he will be allowed to "recycle".
This is Arissa Beck, for CNN news.
That's Entry number 1!!!