Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food

Oct 12, 2014
You probably have an idea on how it is done, but seriously, please email me to see how it is actually done. you will be surprised. this will more than likely blow you away. I know you are very smart, but I will bet you that you have it wrong. PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!! rydiniATroadrunnerDOTcom. PLEASE!!!!!! my video:

there's a problem when you pull up the video it says it doesn't exist there was a problem during validation
Oct 12, 2014
no problem just didn't want u to enter and have the possibility of winning but not because they couldn't see it


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, just want to update everyone and apologize for the delay in response. As stated in the original contest post, we are also getting Dan White to guest judge in this week's contest, so results will be posted at a later time as we get Dan to go through the submissions. Good luck to everyone; really really awesome effects! You guys killed it this week as usual!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, I just received a response from Dan White regarding the winner he selected, so let's get right into what he told me:

"Damn. These are really good. All of them. Each have something that would make me consider them a winner. In all seriousness, can we have a tie here?

..........If I HAD to choose just one though, I would have to go with Vorezo's as I think it is the one I haven't seen anything like before. It's super clear and to the point. Amazing stuff."

You heard it from Dan himself, Vorezo is our winner this week! Congrats! Please contact our support team and they will hook you up with your prize ASAP!

Dan and I would also like to extend honorable mentions to these guys who made this contest extremely hard to judge:


Thanks again to everyone, including Dan White, for making this first SNC of 2015 a phenomenal one. Truly amazing submissions, and like I said earlier, you guys killed it this weekend. See you guys back this Saturday for a new contest! :)
0 Results