Saturday Night Contest: Origin of the Joker


Director of Customer Experience
Team member
Oct 25, 2011
Hellllllllo again! I'm back to host this week's SNC.

Every deck has a Joker, but where did it come from? Write your own short, unique origin story for the Joker card, explaining its history, purpose, or why it holds such a unique place in the deck. The story could be mysterious, whimsical, or even mythical—let your creativity guide you!

Submit your “Origin of the Joker” entry in writing or as a short video. We'll pick a winner at random to take home 1,000 Elite Member Points and 6 in-stock decks of your choosing from our shop.

I can't wait to see what y'all come up with! Have fun!


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2020
It used to be a number just like the rest until one fateful night. They watched on in horror as seven ate nine. It's been in witness protection ever since. New identity. New life. Now it often keeps to itself and stays away from the others - hardly ever participating in their games.


Elite Member
Sep 17, 2021
The Origin of the Joker Card

Part 1:

In a time long forgotten, the Kingdom of Cards flourished under the rule of King Spade and Queen Heart. Their reign was just and fair, but their court lacked laughter and joy, which concerned the royal couple. In the mystical depths of the Enchanted Forest, lived a mischievous sprite named Jester, who could shape-shift into anything he wished. Known for his tricks, Jester was both feared and adored by the forest creatures.

One day, an evil sorcerer, determined to overthrow the royal family, cast a spell on the kingdom, causing chaos and despair. The once lively kingdom was plunged into darkness, and the royal couple, in desperation, declared an edict: "No one shall enter the Enchanted Forest seeking the sprite's help."

Disobeying the royal decree, a brave knight ventured into the forest, pleading for Jester's aid. Amused by the knight's courage, Jester decided to help.

Part 2:

Jester, shape-shifting into a regal figure, accompanied the knight back to the kingdom. There, he used his tricks to undo the sorcerer's spell and bring back laughter to the court. To commemorate this event, Jester created a magical card that could bring joy and laughter whenever it appeared in the deck. This card was unlike any other; it could change its face and bring surprises to the players.

Despite his heroic deeds, Jester remained unrecognized, blending into the court as an ordinary card. One day, a grand tournament was announced. The task: to draw the Joker card in a deck shuffled a thousand times. Whoever succeeded would be granted a wish.

From that day on, every deck carried a bit of Jester's magic. The Joker card held a unique place, reminding all who played that laughter and mischief were just as important as power and love. And so, Jester's legacy lived on, bringing joy to the world one game at a time.
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Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
In the mid-1800s, an odd card began to surface among American playing cards, seemingly out of nowhere. It was called the Joker—a wild card with no specific allegiance to suits or ranks, and no clear purpose. The card’s design varied, yet it always depicted a jester with an eerie grin, eyes that followed players as though it was watching the game unfold.
As the Joker gained popularity, stories began circulating among gamblers and card players about strange events connected to it. Some whispered that the card was cursed, claiming those who pulled the Joker too many times would begin to see a shadowy figure in the corner of their vision, donned in a tattered jester’s outfit. They said that if you ignored it, the figure would inch closer each time you drew a Joker, creeping up behind you, its ghastly laugh growing louder with each appearance.
One evening, in a smoky poker room, a man named Casey was dealt the Joker three times in a row. The other players laughed, but Casey's face turned pale. That night, he returned home, locking every door and covering every mirror. But as he sat in silence, he heard a soft, sinister giggle. He turned, and there it was—the Joker himself, grinning ear to ear, as he whispered, "Ready to play a different game?"
Casey was never seen again. The Joker card he held that night, they say, shows his face, now trapped in an eternal, silent scream. And each time the Joker is drawn, he inches a little closer to finding his next player.
It might even .... Be You!
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ST. Alex

Elite Member
Dec 22, 2023
The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the sweet notes of jazz that floated lazily over the fields of corn and wheat. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the small town came alive, its streets echoing with laughter and the clinking of glasses from the local tavern.
In the heart of the town, a makeshift stage had been set up in the town square. A banner flapped above it, reading "The Great Magico's Spectacular Show!" in bright red letters. The townsfolk were buzzing, gathering in clusters, their chatter melding with the smooth saxophone riffs that drifted from the tavern. Among them, a tall figure in a black top hat and sequined tails stood, a practiced smile carved on his face.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” the magician called, his voice booming with practiced zeal. “Prepare yourselves for an evening of wonder and enchantment!” He gestured grandly with his hands, the light catching the sequins and causing them to shimmer like stars against the deepening twilight.
“Whooo!” a voice from the crowd cheered, a few claps echoing in response.
“Is it true the Great Magico can make a rabbit disappear?” a child’s voice piped up, wide-eyed with excitement.
“Not just a rabbit,” the magician replied, bending down to meet the child’s gaze. “But an entire elephant, if I so wish!” He winked, straightening up as laughter erupted around him.

The crowd turned, their laughter ceasing as a figure stepped out from the shadows. It was an older woman, her eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and challenge.
“Ah, Madame Zara! What an unexpected pleasure!” The magician’s smile fltered, “Here to join in the festivities?”
“Festivities? You think this is a celebration? This is a circus, Magico. And you, my dear, are the ringmaster of mediocrity.” She stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. “You’ve been playing with forces you don’t understand, boy. The cards are stacked against you.”
The crowd shifted uncomfortably, their excitement dampened by the woman's ominous words.“I’m not afraid of a little competition, Zara. Or your superstitions.”
“Is that so?” she challenged, her voice dripping with threat. “Let’s see how well you handle a simple card trick, shall we? or maybe the truth..."
“What truth?” He raised an eyebrow...
“The truth about your so-called magic.” She leaned in, her breath hot against his ear. “Let’s make it interesting."
The laughter from the crowd had faded, replaced by whispers and murmurs of unease.
“Enough!” The magician’s voice cut through the tension, but it wavered, betraying the fear he was trying to hide. “This is my show, and I won’t let you ruin it with your nonsense.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll find your fingers quite... entertaining.” She stepped back, a flourish of her scarf in the night air, as if sealing her spell with a dramatic flair.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” The magician regained his composure, thrusting his arms out wide. “Prepare for a night of mystery and illusion!” But as he began his first trick—a simple card reveal—his fingers felt strange, as if they weren’t quite his own. He fumbled the cards, sending them scattering to the ground. Gasps erupted from the crowd, followed by a ripple of laughter. “Not bad for a warm-up!” a voice shouted, and the laughter grew louder. Madame Zara watched from the edge of the crowd, her laughter blending with the jazz, a haunting melody that danced through the air. “Careful, Magico,” she called out, her tone mocking. “You wouldn’t want to become a joke!”
“Get off the stage!” someone shouted, and the crowd’s laughter echoed, swirling around him like a storm.
The magician’s heart raced, panic clawing at his insides. He tried to regain control, to force the laughter to quiet. The cards slipped from his grasp again, the symbols swirling like a mocking whirlpool.
The magician’s face burned with humiliation. “I’ll show you real magic!” he yelled, trying to reclaim his authority. He reached for another trick, determined to salvage the evening.
But as he started to speak, his voice cracked, and a strange giggle escaped his lips instead. The crowd erupted in laughter, and he felt the weight of their eyes, the judgment lingering like a dark cloud.
Madame Zara’s laughter rang out like a bell, clear and cutting. “What’s the matter, Magico? Can’t pull a rabbit from your hat?
His heart pounded, the stakes rising higher than ever. The crowd was now a sea of faces. Desperation clawed at him. He had to turn this around.
“Help me, please!” he whispered, more to himself than anyone else.
Zara smirked, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. “You’ve brought this upon yourself, Magico."
But the magician, fueled by a mix of fear and stubbornness, took a deep breath. “No,” he said aloud, his voice growing stronger. “I won’t let this be how it ends.”
“Alright, everyone! For my next trick, I’ll need a volunteer!”
A nervous murmur swept through the crowd, but then a hand shot up. It was a young woman with bright red hair, her freckles dancing across her cheeks as she stepped forward.
“I’ll do it!” she declared
“Perfect!” The magician seized the moment, his heart racing with a mix of hope and dread. “What’s your name?”
“Lila!” she grinned, her enthusiasm infectious.
“Lila! A pleasure to meet you!” He took her hand, feeling a flicker of warmth in the chaos. “Now, I want you to pick a card. Any card!”
As he shuffled the deck, he felt the curse tightening around his fingers, he fanned the cards out, watching as she leaned forward, her eyes dancing with excitement.
“Go on!” he encouraged,
“Okay, this one!” she said, plucking a card from the deck.
He closed his eyes for a moment, silently willing the curse to break. “Now, place it back in the deck.”
Lila did, and he shuffled again, trying to ignore the way his fingers twitched and jerked against his will. “Now, watch closely!”
He was determined to make this work, to turn the tide of the evening. “I’ll make your card disappear!”
But as he reached for the cards, his fingers betrayed him, slipping and scattering them once more. The crowd gasped, and laughter erupted again, louder this time.
And for a brief moment, he considered giving up, letting the laughter drown him. But then, he looked at Lila’s face, her eyes filled with hope and determination, and he felt something shift within him.
“Alright, let’s do this together!” he declared, his voice steadying. “On the count of three, we’ll reveal your card!”
Lila nodded, her excitement infectious. “One! Two! Three!”
As they flipped the cards, a hush fell over the crowd. A joker stared back at them, grinning wickedly from the center of the deck, a card which have never been there before.
The crowd erupted into laughter, but this time it was different. It was a laughter filled with wonder, with disbelief.
“See?” Lila exclaimed, her face lighting up. “You did it! The joker is born from chaos, but it can also bring delight!”
But as the crowd cheered, he caught a glimpse of Zara at the edge of the square, her eyes narrowed, a dark storm brewing in their depths.
This was only the beginning.

Short try for chapter 2:😆

The smoky air of the dance hall swirled with laughter and the jazzy notes of the band, punctuated by the clattering of heels on the wooden floor. A flash of red and green caught the eye as the Joker strutted across the room, his bowler hat perched jauntily atop his head.

“Oh my boots, they shine!” he sang, twirling to the rhythm. “And my bowler looks fine!”

A young woman, her dress tattered but her spirit bright, leaned against the wall, watching him. “Who is he?” she whispered to the old woman beside her.
“Just a trickster,” the woman replied, her eyes glinting with mischief. “But there’s magic in his madness.” the young woman sayed...

“Take a look at my hair!” the Joker continued, flipping his bright locks. “We hit the dance hall! So smart and so chic!”
The magician, watching from the corner, frowned. “That was supposed to be my act,” he muttered, adjusting his cuffs. “He’s ruining everything.”

“Laugh with me!” the Joker beckoned, beckoning the crowd closer. “I make them laugh a lot! Secrets are spoken, plans are drawn in the dust.”

“Don't confide in his smile,” the woman warned her.

“Iiiii aaaam! I am! Iiiii aaaam! I'm a Joker in the pack!” he chorused, his laughter echoing through the hall as the young woman stepped into the chaos, drawn to the spark of freedom he ignited.

Inspired by the lyrics of The Adicts- Joker in the pack:

Oh my boots they shine
And my bowler looks fine
Take some time and care
Take a look at my hair
We hit the dance hall
So smart and so chic
I make them laught a lot
I make them accept me
Secrets are spoken
Plans are drawn in the dust
With a gay bravado
I'm taken into their trust
Oh my boots they shine
And my bowler looks fine
But don't confide in my smile
Because jokers are wild

Amit R.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The Secret “True History” of the Joker Card

Although popular history attributes the Joker card’s origins to 19th-century America, it may actually be part of a secret British scheme to maintain global influence and ensure “the sun never set on the British Empire.”

As England sensed its waning dominance with the rise of the United States, it devised a strategy to assert its superiority subtly. The plan leveraged the growing popularity of card games in America and took a jab at traditional rival France by altering the history of playing cards.

Legend has it that King George III, often called “mad,” secretly commissioned the creation of the Joker card. While some experts interpret the King of Hearts (shown stabbing himself with a sword) as a representation of King George’s madness, he allegedly intended the Joker—depicted as insane and chaotic—to be the most powerful, unpredictable trump card. Through this, he aimed to immortalize himself as a “wild card” for future generations.

To this day, the Joker is known across various media as “the mad genius.”
Mar 26, 2024
In a lively medieval village, an eccentric jester named Jax entertained the townspeople with his antics. One day, a local artist named Elias sought his inspiration for a new playing card—the Joker for an upcoming yearly Autumn tournament. The tournament had somewhat lost it's value the past years because the same person had won it 5 years in a row.

Jax eagerly shared stories of mischief and joy, highlighting the beauty of chaos in life. Inspired by their conversation, Elias created a card featuring Jax with a playful grin and vibrant colors, representing the balance between laughter and unpredictability.

When the card was revealed, it captivated the villagers and quickly became a beloved addition to games everywhere. Since then there was a new winner of the tournament every year. This gave everyone an equal opportunity. Thus, the Joker card was born, embodying the spirit of joy, equality and life's unexpected twists.

Troiy Lim

Elite Member
Dec 9, 2016
In the early days of the deck, the King, Queen, and Jack crafted a perfect game, where every card had a clear role. One day, an unexpected guest slipped in—a wild card, calling himself the Joker. He didn’t fit any rank or suit, but instead of being thrown out, he dazzled everyone with impossible tricks and clever jokes.

The King asked for his purpose, but the Joker only laughed, saying, “What’s a game without a little chaos?” He wasn’t bound by rules; he could be a friend to the King, a fool to the Queen, or a wild ally to the Jack. He made every game unpredictable and exciting.

In the end, they let him stay, with no number, no suit, and no master. The Joker became a reminder that sometimes, a little mischief keeps things interesting. To this day, he roams the deck, bringing surprise and excitement with just a wink and a grin.
Oct 17, 2021
Long before he became the clown prince of chaos, the man who would one day be called the Joker was just a nameless drifter, a scarred soul with a taste for trouble and an unusual obsession with a deck of cards. In that deck, he saw more than suits and numbers; he saw life and fate, a cruel game waiting to be played. And as the cards fell, they began to form his story.

In his early days, he was nothing more than the Jack of Clubs — a scrappy, unremarkable rogue who did odd jobs for Gotham’s underworld. A sharp mind and a sharper knife kept him alive, and in every dive bar and alley, he watched the real players with growing fascination. But in his own mind, he dreamed of the high stakes, his own kingdom of chaos.

One night, in the middle of a botched heist, he encountered the King of Spades — a notorious mob boss with a hard face and a harder heart. The King saw potential in the young man’s reckless drive and took him under his wing. The Jack became an enforcer, learning the ins and outs of Gotham’s criminal world, understanding power, fear, and the pleasure of unpredictability. But despite all the King taught him, the young man was unsatisfied. The game wasn’t chaotic enough; the rules were still too rigid, too predictable.

Enter the Queen of Hearts, a beautiful nightclub singer, fierce yet fragile. She was the only one who saw through his devil-may-care attitude to the darkness underneath. In her, he saw something different, a soul with a fire that couldn’t be snuffed out by Gotham’s darkness. They danced through the city’s underworld, and for a time, it seemed like he might find something real, something to hold on to.

But fate is a cruel dealer. When a rival gang marked him for dead, they captured her instead, using her as a pawn in their twisted game. The Queen was taken, and by the time he found her, it was too late. In his grief, he slaughtered everyone in his path, but it was no comfort. The Queen’s heart had been broken, and with it, so was his last thread of sanity. In that dark moment, he realized that life, like the cards, was a game of cruelty and absurdity. There were no winners — only players who laughed last.

With his last semblance of sanity gone, he embraced his fate. He donned a painted smile, transforming himself into the Joker, the card without suit or number, the unpredictable force that disrupted every game. He threw himself into the criminal world with unmatched ferocity, a wild card that none could control or understand.

Now, the Joker no longer served kings or queens, nor obeyed any rule but his own. He was chaos itself, the card that defied the deck, dancing through Gotham with a twisted smile, leaving fear and fire in his wake. He’d learned the ultimate truth: the deck was rigged, the game unfair. So he played his own way, shuffling the cards, turning the tables — forever laughing at a joke only he could understand.
Dec 11, 2022
Once upon a time in a vibrant kingdom known as Cardtopia, there lived a whimsical trickster named Jester. He was known far and wide for his playful spirit and knack for mischief, captivating the citizens with his acrobatics and clever ideas. Every year, on the Birthday of the King, Jester would perform at the grand festival held in the castle courtyard, enchanting the crowds with laughter and cheer. However, as the years passed, the joyous event began to lose its spark, with only the same old games played and tired routines carried out. Sensing the gloom settling over his beloved kingdom and his own neck, Jester decided to infuse a new spirit into the festivities. He set off on a daring quest to gather the most extraordinary elements of play.

On his adventure, Jester encountered beings both enchanting and peculiar — from the wise old Ace of Spades who might give a helping hand, to the mystical Queen of Hearts with her complexities. Each character he met gifted him a unique trait; the Ace of Clubs bestowed bravery, the King of Diamonds offered strategy, and the Jack of Hearts taught him the importance of love and relationships. Uniting these gifts, Jester returned to Cardtopia and designed a magnificent card — bright and vibrant, embodying both joy and chaos. He named it as the Joker, a reminder that life is a blend of laughter, trickery, and unpredictability. The Joker quickly became the heart of every card game, bringing a fresh spirit to each gathering, with new games and amusements. And so, the Joker card found its place in the deck, a legacy born from the heart of a jester whose laughter still echoes through the walls of Cardtopia.


Elite Member
Jan 22, 2021
Once, long before card games danced across tables, the world of suits was ruled by strict order. The hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades—the four noble houses—were locked in a fierce rivalry. Each suit was set on being the first to play, the first to win, and the first to be seen. As the quarrel brewed, the games grew predictable; strategies turned stale. The thrill of the deck began to dim.

In response, the ancient spirits of chance and fate came together, each embodying the whims of the unknown. They took a spark of unpredictability, a sliver of humor, and the faint echo of chaos, and they breathed life into a new card: the Joker. With a flash of color and a grin both charming and sly, the Joker slipped quietly into the deck, slipping between ranks, appearing here and there, never quite expected, never entirely trusted.

When the Joker appeared, rules bent. A game could be overturned, a trick could be thwarted, or a loss could become a win in an instant. The Joker was the wildness the deck needed—a single card that defied order, refused allegiance, and brought laughter to every hand it touched. And so it remains, a card apart, reminding us that even the best-laid plans can take a sharp, unexpected turn… all for the sake of the game.
Oct 20, 2024
In the ancient Court of Cards, where Kings, Queens, and Jacks ruled, there was once a Fool—a prankster who danced between worlds. When the cards were first born, they were bound by rules: the King reigned, the Queen nurtured, and the Jack guarded. But the Fool? He refused all roles. With a wink, he leapt from suit to suit, disrupting games, turning losses into wins, and chaos into laughter. The court, baffled by his magic, granted him a place in every deck to keep his mischief contained. He was crowned the Joker, a card beyond the rules, neither friend nor foe. Now, he lurks in every game, a reminder that fate favors the bold—and sometimes, the foolish.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2022
Once upon a time there were four kingdoms: Hearty, Clubby, Diamondy & Spadey. These are each ruled by a king, a queen and a prince or princess.
The kingdoms did not always agree and seldom went to wars with each other, but there was also a peace agreement between each of the two kingdoms of the same color (Hearty and Diamondy, associated with red, were in an alliance and so were Clubby and Spadey, which were associated with black). This meant the partnered kingdoms trade their resources, weapons and other supplies with each other, strategize together against the other alliance and also nurture relationships.
It is common for people from the same alliance to marry each other, and even more for the royalty - to show to the people how strong the alliance is and to set an example. This is why it is a tradition for the prince from one side of an alliance to wed the princess from the other side of the alliance.
After both alliances' weddings of the prince and princess occurred - both of them were pregnant and gave birth to a baby each. These babies got a special status, each in its own alliance - the Jokers; their duty was to keep the alliances' morale high and the people happy and thus keep the alliance united and intact. They were usually doing this by joking around and making the people smile amd burst with laughter.

After a lot of time the alliances of the four kingdoms survived, cards were created to capture the culture of the kingdoms and their connections. Thus, there are four cards of each royalty in a deck: Kings, Queens & Jacks (princes and princesses), and in addition there are two Jokers, originated in the Jokers connecting each alliance and keeping them together.


Elite Member
Jun 29, 2014
In a world divided by the vast seas, there existed 52 islands split across four grand quadrants: the North, South, East, and West. These quadrants were separated by the towering Grand Border and the crimson-tinted Red Border, two mystical barriers that carved the realms into territories, each ruled by powerful royal families. The rulers were known as the Diamond Celestials, the Spades, the Hearts, and the Clubs. Their lineage dictated order and strength, with each family’s ranks running from the lowly numbered royals all the way up to the powerful Jack, the wise Queen, and the noble King.

But there was one child born into royalty who did not fit. He was a curious, unconventional soul who looked upon the rigid rules and ranks with disdain. As he grew, he found that he had no desire for power or to maintain the serious, solemn traditions of his family. He saw laughter as a gift greater than gold and freedom as a treasure more precious than any crown. Instead of following the path set for him, he left his royal family behind and set sail, determined to find others who shared his dream of a world unbound by rank, a world filled with laughter and joy.

This young noble traveled across the islands, meeting people from all walks of life who had also grown tired of their assigned roles. They joined him, one by one, forming a crew that was as colorful and unpredictable as the seas themselves. They were known simply as the “Jokers,” a merry band of misfits dedicated to freeing others from oppression, spreading joy where they went, and lifting spirits of those in despair.

In time, the boy became a legend. People began to call him “The Joker,” and though he was of royal blood, he refused to wield his heritage as a sword. His name became synonymous with rebellion, humor, and freedom, and he found his place outside of the traditional ranks—an outlier in the deck of life, belonging everywhere and nowhere all at once.

To honor his spirit, a special card was added to each deck across the realms, a reminder of the one who walked between the worlds of royalty and the commoners, of duty and freedom. This card, the Joker, held no rank yet bore the weight of all, a tribute to the one who chose happiness over hierarchy and laughter over law. And so, even to this day, the Joker remains a wild, mysterious figure in the deck, a symbol of boundless freedom in a world bound by rules.
Dec 7, 2021
Hello guys 👋
This is what I wrote for the joker origin story.
Fingers crossed 🤞

Long ago, the Four Suits ruled in harmony, each representing a force of the world: love, war, wealth, and wisdom. But a rogue spirit, curious and wild, yearned for a place in their orderly realm. It sneaked into their gatherings, weaving jokes and riddles, turning the strict hierarchy into a dance of laughter. The suits, frustrated yet amused, finally challenged it: “If you beat us in a game, we’ll grant you a place.” The spirit played, and though it didn’t win, it charmed each suit so completely they couldn’t refuse. They named it the Joker, an unbound card with no suit to claim, allowed everywhere yet belonging nowhere—a reminder that even the wisest decks need a bit of chaos.
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