Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 16!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend! Thursday marked our 16th birthday, and it is always such a special day for us. On August 31st, 2007 theory11 launched as eleven people united by one common vision. Since then, we’ve grown, and that vision has been embraced and challenged and expanded beyond our wildest dreams. Sixteen years later, our products are in over 20,000 stores worldwide. And this community that started with just eleven is now hundreds of thousands. 

We couldn’t have done it without an incredible team - many of which have been with us since day one! We couldn’t have done it without our artists and collaborators, who share in our relentless pursuit of perfection.  

And most of all - we couldn’t have done it without you. This community is what empowers and inspires all of that work. Cheers to another 16 years, together onward. Let’s gooooo!

To celebrate our 16th birthday, we just want to know how you found out about theory11. Were you here at the official site launch in 2007? Did you hear about us from a YouTube video? Was it through one of our collaborations? Whatever it was that sparked the interest for theory11, we want to hear about it! We are so incredibly blessed to have you all a part of this community, and share the love and passion for playing cards and magic with us on a daily basis. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible.

Post your response in this forum thread by no later than tomorrow Sunday, September 3rd at 11pm EST. Once time is up we will select one random winner to take home 1,000 Elite Points and a Variety Box, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I found out about Theory11 when my playing card collection began expanding beyond Bicycle variations. Once I got my first deck of Monarchs it was all over. This hobby became an addiction.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
16 years ago, someone created an account on the Penguin Magic forums and posted a thread called "What is Theory11?" with a link to a mysterious webpage and video. Tons of guesses as to what it was going to be.

I remember sitting at my old computer in my basement as the countdown finally hit zero.
Bought a deck of Guardians and a trick.

Down the rabbit hole of Cerca Trova.


Elite Member
Jul 9, 2011
I remember 16 years ago I did a lot of shopping on Ellusionist and I was directed to Theory11 from one of their forum posts as well when they had forums over there! I think one of my first purchases was Prophet!


Elite Member
May 15, 2020
Boston, MA
In lockdown during COVID-19, I was bored and wanted to expand my magic trick knowledge.

The first trick I saw on YouTube was Quantum, and I remember the days I used to beg my mom to get it for me.
Finally, buying a Quantum and Omega set marked the beginning of my thirst for magic knowledge. Now, finally being an elite member, it's safe to say this thirst has turned into addiction. And I can't blame anyone else. Happy Birthday T11!


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I believe I first found out about theory11 from iTricks. I miss iTricks (when they were good in the Justin and Andrew days. They weren't good the last few years and I don't think too many people were bothered when they shut down).

I generally got my Theory11 products from Penguin. The first product I ever bought directly from Theory11 was Crush by Eric Ross in 2010.

Tyce W.

Elite Member
Nov 21, 2022
It started with one of my friends owning an Avengers deck, and I went and bought one from my Walmart and fell in love with them. A little while later an add came on YouTube for Tarantula 2.0 and I recognized the T11 logo. I clicked on it and just kind of browsed decks and magic tricks. A short time later I created an account and joined this amazing community! Thank you Theory11 for everything you guys are!!

Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
If I am not mistaken I found out about it you from YouTube. Zach Müller used to do a show with miss Gerhart called Exposé and I really enjoyed it.

Happy Birthday, guys! All the best wishes and support from Bulgaria ❤️
Aug 22, 2022
I heard about Theory11 from my brother who bought an avengers deck down in Texas, and I quickly became enamored. I bought some tricks, a few variety boxes, and now my collection just continues to grow.

I will keep being form T11 as long as I have money, truly a wonderful community.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2022
When I was in the 4th grade I found out about my passion for magic and cards in particular. After some years I started being interested in the design and feel of the cards in addition to the magic itself; that's when I stumbled upon Theory11's playing cards. They were amazing to look at then, and they still are!


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
I was a E person, and I used to think E were the only company in the magic industry back then, I saw a trailer of a Trick called panic by Aaron Fisher and at that time when I found about it, it was only available on T11. Thats how I came to know abt T11. When I found abt T11 back then, it was a time period when T11 was killing it with all the tricks from Daniel Garcia and Wayne Houchin. I would really appreciate if you guys do one more project with Wayne Houchin or DG


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
Happy Birthday! One of our friends from college told me about this site, he had the Mystery Box…I thought it was extreme cool! Its still a release I wish I had and am jealous of🤣


Elite Member
Dec 3, 2018
My father bought me Monarchs for my birthday. A little later I browsed the website and came across the market and forum sections. Such an awesome community and T11 team is just incredible! Hopefully we can enjoy T11 community and products for years come!

Thanks again everyone :)


Elite Member
Sep 18, 2017
I started delving into magic as a hobby in 2017 and found this amazing place by chance. I think I found it while looking for special extraordinary playing cards. I signed up in 2017 and it has been a friendly place with endless advice!
Thanks you for making it and keeping it going! To many more years ahead!


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2017
I got to know about theory11 from a friend who was really into magic, and when I checked out the website by myself I was surprised by the wide array of magic tricks available to learn at my disposal, completed all the free tricks within that week and purchased a few more the very next day. Good times
A lot of the magic growing up for me were kits from Walmart or the dollar store. I branched out and I believe my first few effects I learned from Theory11 were all Wayne Houchin effects. Stigmata and Sinful were my first that I was excited to learn. I've tried creating over the years and had the pleasure of meeting Wayne. I've created a few things myself but Wayne and Theory11 was a huge inspiration for me to want to create. I want to create something to share with this company and be a part of it. Theory11 has been a wonderful community over the years. I live in a small town in Indiana and its a great place to chat with others here in here forums, plus see amazing magic in the marketplace.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2011
When buying in a store, I saw Monarch cards for the first time, so since then I have learned about you
Mar 26, 2023
On YouTube, I saw a video of a guy doing tricks with Contraband karts. I really liked them, I started looking for them and found you)

I am a Magician

Elite Member
Nov 19, 2018
I found out about Theory11 when I was looking for good cards to do magic with. Many people on YouTube recommended it and I read many reviews online. Since then I always shop through Theory11.
Happy birthday!
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