Saturday Night Contest : What You Think


Elite Member
Dec 8, 2013
Birmingham, UK
you should have a playing card design contest. focus on a particular card, whether its a court card or the AoS (or any aces). Or maybe the box or back design. But it should be a week long contest rather than just the weekend, that way it will give people a chance to come up with something really good. The winner could possible get their deck printed, winning a SNC could be good for the playing card CV lol
Aug 16, 2016
How about a creat-a-card,design your own deck of cards and then as the prize have it printed.
hey thats a great idea i know personally i would love for my own deck of cards but have neither the resources money or time. love to see it happen!!!
Aug 25, 2016
Over the past 40+ weeks we have seen Saturday Night Contests of all types - from fun ones to serious ones, from funny ones to creative ones - from podcasts to mind games.

Give us your feedback and let us know what ideas you may have for theory11 Saturday Night Contests in the weeks, months, and years to come. We'll be listening and watching this thread closely for ideas and inspiration.

Perhaps you could see what users would do with new takes on classics of magic. Professors nightmare and rope magic, cups and balls, sponge balls, linking rings, routines with handkerchiefs, multiplying billiards and change bags. Instead of cardistry, card tricks or effects that are more mainstream now.
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Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
Been a while since we had a animal deck SNC, where the first person to guess what the animal was wins it.... Now make it more difficult, guess three animals... First one to guess all or comes closest wins it
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Dec 30, 2014
What about making a cinematic short about magic which is judged on creativity of short, peformance(flashing etc.) and humor? With only 24 hours to make it. I'd personally love to make that :)
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Dec 20, 2013
(Smartphone wallpaper)

Why not a photography contest but a little bit more creative than usual?

Something like a wallpaper with cards included in the photo,

And everyone is a winner in this contest because we will have tons of wallpapers to enjoy using (of course after the permission of the owners)

Judging in my opinion should be about:
The size of screens should be considered in making the photo.
You know, the best photo that fits as a background.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I think it's time for a bigger contest now, and I see some comments reflecting the same sentiment.

It definitely be fun to see one that lasts say 2 week deadline, for something more cinematic.

I truly miss the MC2, or the Burt Wonderstone contest and the 60second cardistry/magic videos that Ryuji won backaday! Any chance on more of those types, Theory11?
Feb 17, 2017
Make your own gimmicked trick/non-gimmicked trick.
The best one wins a deck of split spades.

The best design for a joker card contest.

The funniest card trick that makes sense. (your own)

A real story that deals with a heckler and the best comeback you ever gave on the spot to shut him up.
I agree with your joker card contest!!! But you would have to be good at art... :)
Mar 25, 2017
I think that some contests you guys should put is one of your favorite deck of cards and write why, and on top of that a design contest for some future cards, or one where contestants can post video's for their own unique or modified tricks.
Mar 15, 2017
How about a contest where you have to ruin your favourite deck of cards? Jk...jk...on a more serious about a contest where you have to integrate food somewhere in your magic trick?
Apr 14, 2017
Over the past 40+ weeks we have seen Saturday Night Contests of all types - from fun ones to serious ones, from funny ones to creative ones - from podcasts to mind games.

Give us your feedback and let us know what ideas you may have for theory11 Saturday Night Contests in the weeks, months, and years to come. We'll be listening and watching this thread closely for ideas and inspiration.
I think that there should be a cardistry compition for all the cardists or a live tutorial of a cardistry move
Mar 15, 2017
How about a contest where you have to make a 3D structure/statue of some sort with cards? I guess that the permission to use any bonding substance depends on you guys.
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Mar 2, 2016
United States
Hi guys. I would like to know how this contest work and how I can get into it. Appreciate your response.

Hey there. It's pretty simple. Every Saturday night (around 7:30 PM EST), @Casey Rudd will post a challenge for all Theory11 members to participate in. Usually it's a photography challenge, creating a magic effect, or something along those lines. The winner is announced the very next day (usually) and he/she wins a prize. The prize is always outlined in the first post.

The next SNC will be this upcoming Saturday, May 20th.
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