Saturday Night Contest : What You Think

Aug 1, 2008
i really liked the create-a-trick and the winner gets it in 1-on-1 for free idea.

but i think that contest shouldnt be a SNC.

maybe a monthly/bimonthly contest or so....

I would really love for a T11 artist to perform and explain my trick on a 1-on-1 IDK about you guys :p
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I think Katie should host the best cheer leading cheer for T11 or something.
People have to videotape themselves as cheerleaders and scream a cheer that has something to do with T11 or magic.

Yeahh! I just wanna see if people would actually do it.
Funniest/creative costume/cheer wins.
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
How about "best live performance for an audience".
Give people like one or two days to get the video ready.
And the judgement could be based on performance,originality and all that good stuff.


Jan 11, 2008
I think Theory11 should host a "Self-Created Trick" SNC.

It has to be original and creative,and who ever wins their trick is made into a

1-on-1 video.
Jan 5, 2008
I think the only thing that Theory 11 has been missing is magic history. This site does an incredible job of promoting new ideas and introducing new minds to magic, but it lacks a focus on the beginings. I don't really know how you would incorporate this into a SNC, maybe a magic history quiz? I just think that people really need to know where everything they are doing is coming from and honestly i think everyone should see some old Fred Kaps routines or watch Dai Vernon do his cups and balls routine.

just my 2-37 cents...


Jan 11, 2008
I could have sworn I already posted that idea, but whatever. They should do it. But they should give us a month.

I'm sorry! I didn't check the previous posts so I wouldn't know if you alredy posted that. But if you said it before then I agree with you.
Sep 1, 2007
We really need one where we can have a little more time to plan and execute our ideas. We really need to have one where we perform for a live audience.
Apr 6, 2008
Just a thought of mine.

We have to teach something or someone who doesn't know one bit about cards at least one move of anything, take a performance video, upload it.

Hope trashmanf doesn't see this, his cat might pwn us all.

My two cents :)
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