i like the best joker design idea
A contest dedicated to me since it's my birthday today. Whoever wins has to give there prize to me. Fair?
sounds fair to me. After all you are turning 7 thats a big year
Hmm - How about who can come up with the most ridiculous idea for a SNC...
Or, alternatively, who can guess the amount of hairs in Daniel Madison's beard - Sorta like those how many balls in a jar contests... But I don't like balls.
Over the past 40+ weeks we have seen Saturday Night Contests of all types - from fun ones to serious ones, from funny ones to creative ones - from podcasts to mind games.
Give us your feedback and let us know what ideas you may have for theory11 Saturday Night Contests in the weeks, months, and years to come. We'll be listening and watching this thread closely for ideas and inspiration.
Just create a card design
The best wins