Saturday Night Contest : What You Think

Jul 26, 2008
Who can come up with the best trick with New Years' patter? Or apply New Year's patter to an existing trick, like ACR?

James Wise Magic

Elite Member
Dec 28, 2007
I think we should do a SNC where we make a street magic video. The video that's the most clean and inspirational should win.

Some of you might think it would be impossible to do this in such short time, but I mean, we've done worse. We've done create your own flourishes and MANY MANY people have come up with GREAT flourishes, I mean B4 was created and that is awesome, and possible.

idk. I would really like to do this.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Never really posted here before so why not
didnt really read the old posts as much but im sure half of these have been said:
- design a deck or just a back and what not
- guess something about a single artist. EG. How many boyfriends has katie had, how many times Jon has gotten into a real fight, etc.
- who can make a video of them doing nothing with a deck of cards longest.
- who can build the highest tower of coins or cards but prove later on that they are not glued or stuck in anyway.
-make a stop motion animation with anything magic related.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Hmm - How about who can come up with the most ridiculous idea for a SNC...

Or, alternatively, who can guess the amount of hairs in Daniel Madison's beard - Sorta like those how many balls in a jar contests... But I don't like balls.



I first realised my mentalism powers when I correctly guessed the amount at a garden centre :) I won a trowel, it was awesome and I still have it.

- Sean
Over the past 40+ weeks we have seen Saturday Night Contests of all types - from fun ones to serious ones, from funny ones to creative ones - from podcasts to mind games.

Give us your feedback and let us know what ideas you may have for theory11 Saturday Night Contests in the weeks, months, and years to come. We'll be listening and watching this thread closely for ideas and inspiration.

I would personally love to see a contest to see where raw footage and music is provided. Then the contest would be to edit the video. The winner would be the one who has the best looking video (presentation, flow, originality etc...)

Just my idea.
Sep 1, 2007
I like the video footage editing idea. It could be something like Stephen Colbert's Green Screen Challenge or something (did I say "something" enough times?).

Also, I think that presentation is an oft-overlooked aspect of magic (let's face it, it's half the battle). I think a contest that uses the most original plot or presentation of a simple trick would be great.
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