Saturday Night Contest : What You Think

Nov 10, 2007
In honor of Eric Jones sandwich routine why doesn't the cotest be a self created sandwich routine and or perform a sandwich routine.
im kinda new to being a member of theory11 so i dont know if u guys have already done this before... anyways, how bout everybody is given the same classic flourish and everybody has to come up with a variation of that flourish. The person with the coolest variation wins?
Apr 5, 2009
I'd like to see one where we are asked to create a trick that uses every card in the deck, though more than handling them all but presenting each one and making them all relevant to the trick.

by create a trick do you mean create the effect or just the patter/ story to go along with an already existing trick? i think both would make a great snc however
May 31, 2008
Whoever does the best parody of a famous magican. You submit a video of you acting like a famous magican like David Copperfield, Criss Angel, David Blaine ect.
Better yet a unique self-created flourish contest. The whole t11 crew votes on the best flourish. The prize is a 1 on 1 on theory11. Sound familiar? *cough* Andrei Jikh *cough*. *cough* B4 Cut *cough* Boy does my throat hurt. If you guys don't like that then the winner get's something such as umm.... white centurions.:D
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