MagicLemonBird Apr 5, 2009 1,027 2 Some where over the rainbow... Apr 26, 2009 #201 The Tumbleweed said: Oh my god... Click to expand... Isn't that so CRAZY!!!
J James Smith May 31, 2008 1,914 0 Apr 29, 2009 #202 The Tumbleweed said: Oh my god... Click to expand... Sarcasm does not transfer well to type.
The Tumbleweed Feb 5, 2008 2,297 1 Blue Mountains, NSW Apr 29, 2009 #203 daveygs magic said: Sarcasm does not transfer well to type. Click to expand... I know, but don't act like you're not enjoying it
daveygs magic said: Sarcasm does not transfer well to type. Click to expand... I know, but don't act like you're not enjoying it
Nickerus Dec 30, 2008 675 1 32 Apr 29, 2009 #204 The Tumbleweed said: I know, but don't act like you're not enjoying it Click to expand... Haha, I don't want to sound creepy but I love reading your posts!
The Tumbleweed said: I know, but don't act like you're not enjoying it Click to expand... Haha, I don't want to sound creepy but I love reading your posts!
MagicLemonBird Apr 5, 2009 1,027 2 Some where over the rainbow... Apr 29, 2009 #205 coolerdude0410 said: Haha, I don't want to sound creepy but I love reading your posts! Click to expand... Mine too..........right?
coolerdude0410 said: Haha, I don't want to sound creepy but I love reading your posts! Click to expand... Mine too..........right?
The Tumbleweed Feb 5, 2008 2,297 1 Blue Mountains, NSW Apr 29, 2009 #206 coolerdude0410 said: Haha, I don't want to sound creepy but I love reading your posts! Click to expand... Always nice to meet a fan
coolerdude0410 said: Haha, I don't want to sound creepy but I love reading your posts! Click to expand... Always nice to meet a fan
Nickerus Dec 30, 2008 675 1 32 Apr 29, 2009 #207 MagicLemonBird said: Mine too..........right? Click to expand... Who are you again?
jake the snake magic Oct 22, 2008 789 0 Apr 29, 2009 #208 coolerdude0410 said: who are you again? :d Click to expand... ohhh disssseedd
MagicLemonBird Apr 5, 2009 1,027 2 Some where over the rainbow... Apr 29, 2009 #209 coolerdude0410 said: Who are you again? Click to expand... Everywhere but no where...
Nickerus Dec 30, 2008 675 1 32 Apr 29, 2009 #210 MagicLemonBird said: Everywhere but no where... Click to expand... I said "who" not "where".
MagicLemonBird Apr 5, 2009 1,027 2 Some where over the rainbow... Apr 29, 2009 #211 coolerdude0410 said: I said "who" not "where". Click to expand... Everybody but nobody
Nickerus Dec 30, 2008 675 1 32 Apr 29, 2009 #212 MagicLemonBird said: Everybody but nobody Click to expand... We can now move forward with all dignity intact!
MagicLemonBird said: Everybody but nobody Click to expand... We can now move forward with all dignity intact!
MagicLemonBird Apr 5, 2009 1,027 2 Some where over the rainbow... Apr 29, 2009 #213 coolerdude0410 said: We can now move forward with all dignity intact! Click to expand... Who arth though?
coolerdude0410 said: We can now move forward with all dignity intact! Click to expand... Who arth though?
J James Smith May 31, 2008 1,914 0 Apr 29, 2009 #214 MagicLemonBird said: Who arth though? Click to expand... You've got to work on putting sarcasm into posts. It's a difficult art that only some can master. For your first lesson, smilies. The most common smilie for being sarcastic is:
MagicLemonBird said: Who arth though? Click to expand... You've got to work on putting sarcasm into posts. It's a difficult art that only some can master. For your first lesson, smilies. The most common smilie for being sarcastic is:
C CaseyC Guest Apr 29, 2009 #215 Wow, there's a crap load of unnecessary posting going on in this thread. Mods! Where are you?! Over here! *Waves hands in air*
Wow, there's a crap load of unnecessary posting going on in this thread. Mods! Where are you?! Over here! *Waves hands in air*
MagicLemonBird Apr 5, 2009 1,027 2 Some where over the rainbow... Apr 29, 2009 #216 CardClip928 said: Wow, there's a crap load of unnecessary posting going on in this thread. Mods! Where are you?! Over here! *Waves hands in air* Click to expand... Shhhhhh!!! Tackle him body guards.... ughf (is that better) (That's my last one for now)...
CardClip928 said: Wow, there's a crap load of unnecessary posting going on in this thread. Mods! Where are you?! Over here! *Waves hands in air* Click to expand... Shhhhhh!!! Tackle him body guards.... ughf (is that better) (That's my last one for now)...
J James Smith May 31, 2008 1,914 0 Apr 30, 2009 #217 MagicLemonBird said: Shhhhhh!!! Tackle him body guards.... ughf (is that better) (That's my last one for now)... Click to expand... Good job! Now let's get back on topic. How about we film ourselves doing the first trick we ever learned. Whoever presents it best, wins.
MagicLemonBird said: Shhhhhh!!! Tackle him body guards.... ughf (is that better) (That's my last one for now)... Click to expand... Good job! Now let's get back on topic. How about we film ourselves doing the first trick we ever learned. Whoever presents it best, wins.
The Tumbleweed Feb 5, 2008 2,297 1 Blue Mountains, NSW Apr 30, 2009 #218 How about a week long scavenger hunt, in which we have 7 days to find: 5 Decks of Blue Jerrys The Holy Grail An alien skull My left fingernails (I'm winning) And.... Baymey's fluffy pink toilet seat cover.
How about a week long scavenger hunt, in which we have 7 days to find: 5 Decks of Blue Jerrys The Holy Grail An alien skull My left fingernails (I'm winning) And.... Baymey's fluffy pink toilet seat cover.
Jv Jan 11, 2008 1,223 26 Apr 30, 2009 #219 -I like the idea of a creative contest...Theory11 names about 5 items and we must create a trick and patter to go along with it and film it.
-I like the idea of a creative contest...Theory11 names about 5 items and we must create a trick and patter to go along with it and film it.
Jack Webster Jun 7, 2008 1,648 0 31 DC area Apr 30, 2009 #220 I rather like the comedy ones, they are more fun than non funny ones.