Saturday Night Contest : What You Think


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
Since everyone is talking abt the Avengers Endgame. How abt a SNC dedicated to Thanos' snap?. Do any trick, one condition there has to be one snap in that routine/trick


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I remember years ago, there was a Zach King style SNC, that had some creative entries.
I know camera tricks are usually taboo poo poo'd, but for that one is was very interesting to see the creative thinking and execution, especially the ones that DIDN'T feel like editing.


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
Create a trick that uses an envelope & a marker in some way. One could create a trick using an envelope or a marker but would be difficult to use both in one trick. Even I can't think of a trick right the top of my head while writing this post
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Oct 8, 2019
Winnemucca, NV
Make your own gimmicked trick/non-gimmicked trick.
The best one wins a deck of split spades.

The best design for a joker card contest.

The funniest card trick that makes sense. (your own)

A real story that deals with a heckler and the best comeback you ever gave on the spot to shut him up.

I really like these ideas, especially the first two. Thanks, DannyT! (The cool thing about just designing a joker is it can go in most any awesome deck and the time required for an entire deck design is cut into 1/53rd...) An idea of my own would be a contest for a new presentation or patter/story for an existing trick...
Oct 8, 2019
Winnemucca, NV
Though this contradicts my previous post of no complex contests, I'd like to see one where we are asked to create a trick that uses every card in the deck, though more than handling them all but presenting each one and making them all relevant to the trick.
I like this too! I'm perfecting one that uses 1/4 of all cards (13 total)...An idea for one that uses all the cards may be a trick version of the Soldier's Prayer Book (I saw this story/demonstration in one of Paul Daniels' books--the one with the handkerchief mouse routine)...


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
How bout a Star Wars themed magic trick? The new movie is right around the corner. JJ is a big partner with theory 11. Why not? It’d be a nice different and unique imo.
Dec 22, 2019
i got a few ideas

1 makes something original. (Any magicly related thing, most orginal wins)

2 how many cards can be held in one hand :)

3 make a colour change

4 make a coin trick

5 funniest photoshop of a theory 11 crew member

6 In honour of our latest artist invent a andrei inspired cut.

thats it :)
I agree, except for the coin trick


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2020
As someone whose interests are as much in card collecting as in performing magic, I most enjoy the photo contests that involve cards!!

I know Theory11 is a mostly magic community, but just laying out my preference.
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