Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!

Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
Smoke and Mirrors V5 Denim. Reason - well quite simple - I was getting into magic back in the days and that was the first custom deck that I managed to buy myself and it really inspired me. The handling, the stock, the design + the building history of the Buck twins who left a huge impact on me.

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
MailChimp is my all time favorite deck, I’m aware it’s not for everyone but the back design check all of my boxes, thin borders, simple yet not too minimalistic, and hidden cute monkeys everywhere lol.

The color scheme of the entire deck is just perfect to me.

Also the ace of spades is just top notch.


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
My favorite decks change with the time of year or how I’m feeling that day….
Bicycle gold seals get the most use but these decks are ones I keep coming back to;

The Little Deck of Horrors(ellusionist), Trickster Company Playing Cards(trickster company), Striped Playing Cards(got magic), Neil Patrick Harris Playing Cards (Theory11).
There is some difference in how these handle and wear but sometimes you just want a different vibe.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Classic Bicycle will always hold the #1 spot for me. Sure better designs have come along, but I still get that "itch" whenever I see a dozen decks for sale at the warehouse stores. Or when I go to visit someone and they have a deck, I have to open it up.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Have to go with regular Red Bicycle riders back.
That was the deck I started magic with, 2 decades ago, always have had one around ever since then, used a countless number of them, ready for practice or peformance, and (quite practical) drawing away any suspicion about a potential "trick-deck"...

Gotta love 'em bikes !! 💪


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
David Blaine's original (or at least, very early) Split Spades deck.

They were what I first learned on. My first fan (that didn't fall over the floor). My first effects.

Lots of firsts.

And they had a card in the deck that was filled with riddles. Lots of fun, and great brain exercise.

I've probably worn out hundreds (and hundreds, and hundreds) of decks since then. But that's one I've held onto.

And remain grateful for.
Sep 16, 2008
Because of the way I was absolutely blown away by his card magic abilities when I first watched The Devil Picture Book, Derren Brow has always been an inspiration of mine...

Therefore I think that, because of that, the The Derren Brown deck is my absolute favorite deck !
Bicycle Eco Edition.

I'm an environmentalist and am very conscious of my carbon footprint. I first discovered this deck as a teenager when it was available at Wal - Mart and really supported the fact it was made from sustainable materials. The deck itself feels great: fans, faros, dribbles, and springs well. The different color scheme is fun to look at after being used to the traditional black and red pips I handle most of the time. I've entered a few SNCs in the past with them as well and still have my first deck in my drawer that I rotate through from time to time.


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
Whenever I start to think about my favourite deck, there are many of them that come to my mind, but the one that always is in first place is Guardians Playing Cards because of the amazing artistry in the designs of the cards and the box... Also, being one of the first costumized cards I got makes them even better IMO...
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