Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2018
When I started collecting cards, 2 got my attention. The KWP Tigers and Steve Mintys Anubis and Osiris. I ended up getting a couple limited which were guided and finally got my matchbox version in the V2s. I did find an Osiris deck that was open. I still love the limited Tigers the most.


Elite Member
Apr 11, 2021
The Gold Monarchs!

I won mine in a Saturday Night Contest a few years ago, and to this day they've remained my favorite deck. They have the practicality of any of the Monarchs decks, but the glossy gold finish gives them a touch of elegance that no other deck has.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
My favorite deck is the butterfly deck. It's gorgeous and absolutely incredible what you can do with it. It's too expensive to be a daily driver so my go to cards are the cheap and reliable bicycle deck.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Bicycle Eco Edition.

I'm an environmentalist and am very conscious of my carbon footprint. I first discovered this deck as a teenager when it was available at Wal - Mart and really supported the fact it was made from sustainable materials. The deck itself feels great: fans, faros, dribbles, and springs well. The different color scheme is fun to look at after being used to the traditional black and red pips I handle most of the time. I've entered a few SNCs in the past with them as well and still have my first deck in my drawer that I rotate through from time to time.
Congrats! Your entry was randomly selected as the winner for this week's contest! Please contact our support team with your details so we can get your prize out to you ASAP.

See you all again on Saturday for a new contest!
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