Saturday Night Roundtable - Calen Morelli


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

For tonight's contest, we're hosting a roundtable discussion podcast. Each time we do this, we invite an artist to join us in a podcast answering YOUR questions, posted by members around the world.

We are incredibly excited about our latest magic release, ODYSSEY by Calen Morelli. A hyper-visual miracle years in the making, a ring visibly jumps from finger to finger, hand to hand. It seriously looks like a camera trick - you have to see it to believe it. The best part is that it's extremely easy to learn and the ingenious, handcrafted gimmick does almost all of the hard work for you!

Our guest this week on the podcast is the creator of this visual miracle, Calen Morelli. Use this opportunity to post ANY question you desire for Calen to answer within the podcast. We'll get to as many questions as we can during the session - and you can ask about whatever you'd like; how he got into magic, his creative process, etc. Any question you have for Calen, ask away!

Each member gets 3 questions to ask, so make them count! Post your questions in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST on Monday, August 22nd. Once it is posted, we will select a random member (whose question was asked in the podcast) to take home this week's prize.

What can you win? 1,000 Elite Member Points, and ODYSSEY by Calen Morelli, shipped on the house, anywhere in the world.

Got any questions for Calen? Ask away!


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
1. How did you conceptualise Odyssey? Did you set out to purposely create a ring trick, or was there a more organic approach to it?
2. You mentioned that you've been working on this for a while, what made you want to release it now.
3. What's next - is there a project your currently working on that you could tell us about, whether it be a trick, or consulting?

1st question never get's randomly picked, so I'm out for the running probably :(


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
1) When an idea for an effect strikes how do you approach turning that idea into reality?
2) Do you ever have doubts about releasing something that you've created or is it always with absolute confidence that it will be received with the greatest reception?
3) Who would you say inspires you the most? (Could be someone magic related or perhaps a relative or friend or significant other?)
Jun 13, 2013
1. What have you found was the most hardest thing to overcome in all your years of creating & performing so far?

2. What has been your motivation to keep yourself going through the years of creating?

3. If you could perform magic anywhere in the world for anyone, where would it be & who would it be with?

Kaan Akdogan

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
1. How did you get in contact with samsung to do the ad? Did they contact you or you them?

2. Similiar to the first question - how did you make it to appear in the videos of Stuart Edge?

3. You don't release tricks that often, but when you do, they are great. Is that something you do on purpose (to blow us away now and then) or is it that you don't have a lot of original effects worth releasing.

Keep it up :))


Elite Member
Jun 11, 2016
Dubai, UAE
1.) Can this trick be done by a COMPLETE beginner in ring magic? (me...)

2.) How much time would you think it would take to make it look as smooth as how you perform it (if even possible)?

3.) In your 3-4 years with this trick, have you ever been caught performing with the gimmicked ring? Or it's very hard to catch notice of the gimmick?
Jun 26, 2016
Any additional tips other than the ones mentioned in the explanation video you may have missed out on when filming?

I'm a girl and I have thin fingers, would that make it more difficult/easier for me to perform this effect?

Can you please release more effects regularly? We the people want more !
Jun 12, 2016
Hey Calen,
First of all, keep up the good work! Plan on buying Oddysey soon.

How do you come up with an effect and get it published? Your work is amazing and id like to know your process.

What would you suggest to a aspiring magician, looking to hone his skills in the art?

And, on a much less serious note, what's your favorite color?

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
Hey Calen, a big fan of yours, I'm so happy you are releasing again, I haven't got Odyssey yet but I'm pretty sure it's super awesome,

Anyway my question is: Do you think there are just creative people and "non-creative" people in the world like it's something that you born with? or is it something that you can build and get better at, in other words if I love creating magic but I literally suck at it, I just can't come up with any good ideas and sometimes I just can't get any at all, should I just leave it to the professionals?

Thanks for being awesome, you inspire me a lot.
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