Second bottom card dealing?

Dec 21, 2015
I know second card dealing and bottom dealing..Working on center.. But I was just messing around with some Bee's the other day and I thought..If second bottom card dealing was possible? I tried it, it worked kind've. It's easy to spot even with Bee's which don't have a border. I figured with practice it's possible. Does anyone else do bottom second card dealing or know someone who does? Maybe a video or a book? Do you have any tips?
Jan 29, 2015
I know second card dealing and bottom dealing..Working on center.. But I was just messing around with some Bee's the other day and I thought..If second bottom card dealing was possible? I tried it, it worked kind've. It's easy to spot even with Bee's which don't have a border. I figured with practice it's possible. Does anyone else do bottom second card dealing or know someone who does? Maybe a video or a book? Do you have any tips?
I believe it's called the greek deal, Jason England teaches it here on theory 11.

Ryan Malone

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2015
If you can to the losing action with the bottom deal the greek deal should be easier to do. When you are moving the bottom card make sure you have a light grip on the deck hope these tips help.
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