"Spreadable" Triumph?

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
Sorry if this has already been posted, but where can I learn Moment of Zen?


-Sam H

Like the people above me said, you can't. Moment of Zen is simply a application of the Continental Divide by Lee Asher. You can learn that move in his Pulp Friction book. But i'm sure when you learn the move you can figure out moment of Zen
Nov 19, 2008
oh man

I saw a spreaded triumph by jordan cotler, it was not gimmicked and used THREE selections allof which the spectators put in any directing( face up or face down) they wanted. CRAZY
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
I saw a spreaded triumph by jordan cotler, it was not gimmicked and used THREE selections allof which the spectators put in any directing( face up or face down) they wanted. CRAZY
Oh wow... you just reminded me of that one...

It's an awesome triumph routine if it's the one I'm thinking about, the deck is already mixed face-up and face-down and is spread on the table. The magician turns their back and three spectators turn over any card they want - three selections can be face-up or face-down. The magician turns back round and shuffles the deck a little more.

In the end the deck is spread to reveal the deck has righted itself and the three selections are the only ones facing the opposite way. Totally impromptu if I remember rightly... need to learn that one again.

- Sean
Sep 1, 2007
Houston TX
A great DVD is "Joshua Jay: Methods in Magic"

he teaches a trick called "Back in Time" (based on jay sankey's trick)

but it uses the Jenning/ Goodwin display (which is wonderful)

great trick, great dvd
Oct 28, 2007
Sydney Australia
I believe the 'Moment of Zen' was created by Tony Chang? Who is Liquidsn on youtube.

Continental Divide is a trick by Lee Asher that separates reds from blacks and the selected card being out of place. I think people has adapted this into triumph and created 'the moment of zen'.

Moment of Zen is a great trick, however I do get stronger reactions with Culligula (Roadrunner Cull triumph by Kostya Kimlat). Moment of zen is more of a magician fooler.
Nov 19, 2008
Oh wow... you just reminded me of that one...

It's an awesome triumph routine if it's the one I'm thinking about, the deck is already mixed face-up and face-down and is spread on the table. The magician turns their back and three spectators turn over any card they want - three selections can be face-up or face-down. The magician turns back round and shuffles the deck a little more.

In the end the deck is spread to reveal the deck has righted itself and the three selections are the only ones facing the opposite way. Totally impromptu if I remember rightly... need to learn that one again.

- Sean

do you know what its called? I would love to know where i can learn it.
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