Steampunk “Versions” - Is there a V1 and V2?

Sep 14, 2016
Hi all! Chatting with a buddy on Reddit, he showed me some pics of a Bronze Steampunk deck he has. It has a copyright of 2012 and notes the designer, Alex. The tuck is “flat”, no embossing at all. Waiting on him to get the AOS print code.

All my Steampunks were bought more recently, either at Walgreens or a specialty puzzle/game store. They have a copyright of 2017, and the two I have open were printed in 2017. The tucks, however, are beautifully embossed.

I know from experience there can be many many design changes on a tuck that do not constitute a “v2”, but these seem pretty big. I know Lyle will eventually get there with his awesome list project, but can anyone shine some insight my way? What I think is my buddy’s “flat 2012 deck” was before the deck was officially licensed by USPCC for direct distribution.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
I know Lyle will eventually get there with his awesome list project

Heh, yes I will.

Short story.

We made the Steampunk Bronze deck. The tuck was all sorts of shiny foil. We loved it. USPC wanted to licence the design from us, so we let them.

They made, what is in most people's opinions, a terrible choice in removing the foil from their version. I believe they removed the embossing too.

USPC on left (no foil), t11 on right (bronze foil). I'm not a fan of that change. t11 ONLY sells the t11 foil version.

Since that choice, two more Steampunk decks were made. Silver and Gold, both licenced by the USPC. Both are full foil. The Silver are sold all over, including our store. The gold are newer, and I believe are a Walgreens exclusive. I'll see about getting a photo of the family - I have all four versions somewhere. Random photos from the internet below.



// L
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Sep 14, 2016
Heh, yes I will.

Short story.

We made the Steampunk Bronze deck. The tuck was all sorts of shiny foil. We loved it. USPC wanted to licence the design from us, so we let them.

They made, what is in most people's opinions, a terrible choice in removing the foil from their version. I believe they removed the embossing too.

USPC on left (no foil), t11 on right (bronze foil). I'm not a fan of that change. t11 ONLY sells the t11 foil version.

Since that choice, two more Steampunk decks were made. Silver and Gold, both licenced by the USPC. Both are full foil. The Silver are sold all over, including our store. The gold are newer, and I believe are a Walgreens exclusive. I'll see about getting a photo of the family - I have all four versions somewhere. Random photos from the internet below.



// L’re the man and I can’t thank you enough for what you do in our community! This answers my and a few other’s questions! Thanks Lyle!
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