The fallacy of the bottom deal...

Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
Hi can anyone tell me where Mickey Macdougalls back peek is published. Also, Walter Scott disagreed with Erdnase over the bottom deal, just to throw that in there.

Yeah I heard walter said that but never read the details.
Dude the only publicatin of MacDougalls back peek I found was Catching poker cheats by A.D. livingston.But then again I didnt really search much for it.
Aug 2, 2009
Shrewsbury, UK
The 60% of the time you are not dealing is a major point but cheats would not cheat the entire night, you only need to do these moves once or twice and with a large enough pot, your set.
Dec 27, 2008
hey man, i happen to have the mentioned book and there is no real info on how to do it. he just says that macdougall could peek at every card before he dealt it. not much more than that...think it was just to prove the point that peaking is possible.
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