The Wheel 2023

Sep 19, 2023
Yes I am new to the wheel I only started collecting card snd doing magic this past September. To the guy that said theory 11 would take a los if the gave out more prizes I don't understand that because I own my own business as well, I can understand them losing money on only the free spins but I have bought 8 decks that I otherwise wouldn't have bought to get more spins and now that I have seen how unlikely I am to win any physical prize I probably won't buy anything else unless I just happen to want something. If I felt there was a better chance to actually win I would buy more cards at least another 10 decks if I thought I had a chance to win something. So again I don't understand how they would lose money, maybe if it was only free spins, but the actual 11 of spades cards should have a higher chance to win and I guarantee they would still make money.

joi e.

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
I had the same issue with the wheel not giving me a spin at 24 hours last night. This morning it worked, no reward spin.


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2018
Yes I am new to the wheel I only started collecting card snd doing magic this past September. To the guy that said theory 11 would take a los if the gave out more prizes I don't understand that because I own my own business as well, I can understand them losing money on only the free spins but I have bought 8 decks that I otherwise wouldn't have bought to get more spins and now that I have seen how unlikely I am to win any physical prize I probably won't buy anything else unless I just happen to want something. If I felt there was a better chance to actually win I would buy more cards at least another 10 decks if I thought I had a chance to win something. So again I don't understand how they would lose money, maybe if it was only free spins, but the actual 11 of spades cards should have a higher chance to win and I guarantee they would still make money.
At other times of year, theory11 runs promotions where you can get a guaranteed physical “prize” when you purchase $X of product. This is not intended to be similar to that promotion. If you prefer a guaranteed physical prize, I’d just recommend holding your theory11 purchases until those promotions.

It has always been the case that free spins are given the same weight as purchased spins—I don’t see any reason to change that, and frankly theory11 would get immense criticism if they did (people already critique them for the incorrect perception that the free spins are weighted lesser). The Eleven of Spades cards are just a fun gimmick for delivering those spins derived from purchases—in the past they were automatically added to your account because you didn’t need an alphanumeric code.

Again, just try to enjoy the ride. So many of us have for so many years without receiving anything but Elite Points (regardless of how much we’ve purchased). There may be reasons to critique the Wheel, but I don’t think suggesting that all paying theory11 patrons should be receiving physical prizes before the contest is even halfway is a reasonable one.
Mar 1, 2018
At other times of year, theory11 runs promotions where you can get a guaranteed physical “prize” when you purchase $X of product. This is not intended to be similar to that promotion. If you prefer a guaranteed physical prize, I’d just recommend holding your theory11 purchases until those promotions.

It has always been the case that free spins are given the same weight as purchased spins—I don’t see any reason to change that, and frankly theory11 would get immense criticism if they did (people already critique them for the incorrect perception that the free spins are weighted lesser). The Eleven of Spades cards are just a fun gimmick for delivering those spins derived from purchases—in the past they were automatically added to your account because you didn’t need an alphanumeric code.

Again, just try to enjoy the ride. So many of us have for so many years without receiving anything but Elite Points (regardless of how much we’ve purchased). There may be reasons to critique the Wheel, but I don’t think suggesting that all paying theory11 patrons should be receiving physical prizes before the contest is even halfway is a reasonable one.
Exactly, I agree. This is an awesome contest and with so many people spinning the wheel every day, it's obvious that the probability of getting a physical prize is low. The prizes that you can win in the contest are very expensive, if the probability was bigger, Theory11 would be in loss.

Also it's important to realise that by far not all the people that win a prize post it here. This is my 5th year spinning the wheel and this year is the first time I won a prize - I won the classic card collection. Thank you Theory 11!
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Dec 3, 2020
At other times of year, theory11 runs promotions where you can get a guaranteed physical “prize” when you purchase $X of product. This is not intended to be similar to that promotion. If you prefer a guaranteed physical prize, I’d just recommend holding your theory11 purchases until those promotions.

It has always been the case that free spins are given the same weight as purchased spins—I don’t see any reason to change that, and frankly theory11 would get immense criticism if they did (people already critique them for the incorrect perception that the free spins are weighted lesser). The Eleven of Spades cards are just a fun gimmick for delivering those spins derived from purchases—in the past they were automatically added to your account because you didn’t need an alphanumeric code.

Again, just try to enjoy the ride. So many of us have for so many years without receiving anything but Elite Points (regardless of how much we’ve purchased). There may be reasons to critique the Wheel, but I don’t think suggesting that all paying theory11 patrons should be receiving physical prizes before the contest is even halfway is a reasonable one.
100% correct


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2023
Mobile, AL
I'm enjoying the contest for what it is - a free chance to win elite points or perhaps a physical prize - but it's just that...a CHANCE. No guarantee. This is my first year doing the wheel, and I am having a good time with it. So far I've had a few 50 point days, one 100 point day and several nothings...but I'm totally cool with it. Thanks T11 - this is great fun! Looking forward to playing a bunch with the several 11 of Spades I'll be getting with my order in addition to my daily attempt.


Elite Member
Dec 4, 2020
Do anyone know when elite points earned on the wheel from a physical "11 of Spades card" code will be credited? It said "within an hour" after I spun, but I have point wins from several spins that aren't listed/added. (I am logged in and a previous free spin point win from the first day is listed, but no others when I check my elite point list)


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
Do anyone know when elite points earned on the wheel from a physical "11 of Spades card" code will be credited? It said "within an hour" after I spun, but I have point wins from several spins that aren't listed/added. (I am logged in and a previous free spin point win from the first day is listed, but no others when I check my elite point list)
The points will be that you can be sure..last year it also happened to me..but later I checked and all was ok...just give the T11 guys and gal's time to have a bite at 100 elite points to day..Boxing day down under...I am happy hope everyone else got some points as well.
Sep 19, 2023
Do anyone know when elite points earned on the wheel from a physical "11 of Spades card" code will be credited? It said "within an hour" after I spun, but I have point wins from several spins that aren't listed/added. (I am logged in and a previous free spin point win from the first day is listed, but no others when I check my elite point list)
Same for me I have 4 that haven't gone to my account I was thinking about emailing them


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2018
Ive been waiting a full year for my elite card, and the wheel is never clearly announced.. no direct link from home page, no emails , you have to dig it up thru search. Bs if u ask me.
Ive been waiting a full year for my elite card, and the wheel is never clearly announced.. no direct link from home page, no emails , you have to dig it up thru search. Bs if u ask me.
Can’t speak to the elite card, but the Wheel is announced on Instagram and is linked under the “news” section of the website. Those notices typically come a couple days after the Wheel has already been up, which I think is actually a nice way of rewarding more active patrons of theory11 with more daily spins. Admittedly, the contest started later than normal this year more generally, but if I had to wager a guess, I’d think that was because it took more time to iron out issues pertaining to the implementation of the Eleven of Spades cards than was originally expected.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
Can’t speak to the elite card, but the Wheel is announced on Instagram and is linked under the “news” section of the website. Those notices typically come a couple days after the Wheel has already been up, which I think is actually a nice way of rewarding more active patrons of theory11 with more daily spins. Admittedly, the contest started later than normal this year more generally, but if I had to wager a guess, I’d think that was because it took more time to iron out issues pertaining to the implementation of the Eleven of Spades cards than was originally expected.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
It feels like every year I win less and less. Back in the day I used to get 50s and 100s almost every time I spun with the occasional larger prize like a 250, 500, or even a free deck. Now I've won 50 twice and all the others were no reward. Last year wasn't much better either from what I remember.

Still a fun contest and I'm thankful that Theory11 is doing it.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
I know we are well and truely into the last days of the Wheel for 2023...but is it possible that some of the 11S cards still out there may be a "Golden Ticket" similar to the Wonka theme of this year's Wheel...don't judge me...for when you can't sleep and it's hot as hell hallucinate about all the crazy things this years Wheel could still throw up...50 elite points this morning...2 more free spins to go plus spins from when my 11S get to down under around 11 January 2024...Good Luck Everyone
Jul 3, 2020
I won points a few times at first but now it's been no reward every single time. I understand feeling like it's rigged because it can certainly feel discouraging.

By the way, does anyone know when the wheel ends? Is it going until New Years?

Also am wondering how the wheel works, is it truly random? Or is it based on how much a person has spent? I do get the impression that the prizes are only for certain people and not randomly won. I guess there's an algorithm involved.

Another thing, I feel like the wheel spun faster last year so it made it seem like you were almost about to win; but this time it spins a bit and then slowly lands on No reward. Maybe revving up the wheel animation next time might make people feel like they had a fair chance but barely lost.
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