The Wheel 2023


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
I won points a few times at first but now it's been no reward every single time. I understand feeling like it's rigged because it can certainly feel discouraging.

By the way, does anyone know when the wheel ends? Is it going until New Years?

Also am wondering how the wheel works, is it truly random? Or is it based on how much a person has spent? I do get the impression that the prizes are only for certain people and not randomly won. I guess there's an algorithm involved.

Another thing, I feel like the wheel spun faster last year so it made it seem like you were almost about to win; but this time it spins a bit and then slowly lands on No reward. Maybe revving up the wheel animation next time might make people feel like they had a fair chance but barely lost.
I do not work or have been employed by T11. I do not know how it works but there must be an algorithm involved. If I was to design this and understand the Wheel imagine it is like a poker machine. So if we take 100 might go something like this...The first 5 spins might give a 50 elite..then 3 no rewards..then maybe a 100 elite...continue this throughout with variations of this for each 5 spins made up to the 100th spin. Now somewhere in there a deck maybe won on spin 65 or 43 or 92 etc etc etc. Within an algorithm you can give a few truly random spins where the larger prizes could be won...a algorithm such as this works similar to a poker machine...sort of. If all spins were truly random it would be possible for no one to land on a win for a deck or big prize so certain wins must be embedded in algorism. Believe me this game is not fixed...everyone has an equal chance and the more items purchased give you more spins...that's marketing and is geared equally for all people. This year's wheel is a variant on the Wheel theme and as such with a few teething issues due in part to the 11S packs being sent out. I for one like this as early on a Wonka theme deck probably was the inspiration for this. Whether the Wheel spins faster or slower this year I believe has no bearing on who wins and who doesn't. The free spins..if like previously will end 31st December...with what T11 says the Wheel will continue for thoese who purchase up until then and the 11S are being sent out. This assist overseas purchases like me who won't get all my 11S until the 11th January next year....This is how I would design a game that is equal for more chances if you purchase..remember marketing....and is fair for everyone. Many of us are elite member and have purchased from T11 for over number of years...keep the faith. We wouldn't stay if we didn't believe in them...Peter in Oz
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Reactions: PeterB69 and CWhite


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
Pretty sure they explained the wheel last year or so. Maybe a year before that. But I can see how people can look at it and feel certain prizes come up a bit too often. That’s because not all prizes are equal on the wheel, it is just a visual thing to see spin. ‘No prize‘ has a much higher chance than the other choices.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Or is it based on how much a person has spent?
Not at all! It's all based on mathematically random odds, and all spins are created equal, whether they're free spins or from a purchase. Of course, certain prizes are more rare than others: you're more likely to win 50 elite points than a $250 gift card, for obvious reasons. But your chances of winning have nothing to do with how much is spent, other than the fact that you'll get more chances to spin with each product purchased.

Free spins, or spins from an order - they're all the same. Good luck!


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
I do not work or have been employed by T11. I do not know how it works but there must be an algorithm involved. If I was to design this and understand the Wheel imagine it is like a poker machine. So if we take 100 might go something like this...The first 5 spins might give a 50 elite..then 3 no rewards..then maybe a 100 elite...continue this throughout with variations of this for each 5 spins made up to the 100th spin. Now somewhere in there a deck maybe won on spin 65 or 43 or 92 etc etc etc. Within an algorithm you can give a few truly random spins where the larger prizes could be won...a algorithm such as this works similar to a poker machine...sort of. If all spins were truly random it would be possible for no one to land on a win for a deck or big prize so certain wins must be embedded in algorism. Believe me this game is not fixed...everyone has an equal chance and the more items purchased give you more spins...that's marketing and is geared equally for all people. This year's wheel is a variant on the Wheel theme and as such with a few teething issues due in part to the 11S packs being sent out. I for one like this as early on a Wonka theme deck probably was the inspiration for this. Whether the Wheel spins faster or slower this year I believe has no bearing on who wins and who doesn't. The free spins..if like previously will end 31st December...with what T11 says the Wheel will continue for thoese who purchase up until then and the 11S are being sent out. This assist overseas purchases like me who won't get all my 11S until the 11th January next year....This is how I would design a game that is equal for more chances if you purchase..remember marketing....and is fair for everyone. Many of us are elite member and have purchased from T11 for over number of years...keep the faith. We wouldn't stay if we didn't believe in them...Peter in Oz
Very well said. This should be a pinned post for the Wheel.
Sep 19, 2023
Not at all! It's all based on mathematically random odds, and all spins are created equal, whether they're free spins or from a purchase. Of course, certain prizes are more rare than others: you're more likely to win 50 elite points than a $250 gift card, for obvious reasons. But your chances of winning have nothing to do with how much is spent, other than the fact that you'll get more chances to spin with each product purchased.

Free spins, or spins from an order - they're all the same. Good luck!
To CEO I sent email to support because all of my paid 11 of spades cards that come with purchases are not being credited to my account the only thing that comes up is free spins. Theory 11 sport said I needed proof the first four I have the cards with their codes but I didn't take pictures of the prizes I won because I didn't know that I was going to get jipped so with the next four I got in the mail I took pictures of the prizes but they still haven't been credited to my account so I should have 800 more points than I do I sent the picture to support but I haven't gotten a reply. The last reply I got from them that my account was had my spins but they were wrong because they only see my free spins not the ones with the physical 11 of spades cards that I got when I bought cards. Im not the only one with this issue others have posted on here but maybe the ceo can get this fixed.
Jul 30, 2015
I think I just made my second spin this season using the newly overcomplicated process. Scored +250 Elite Points. Was like, "Wow!" Then checked the archive. Oh, nothing really of interest in it. Selection is super-limited and prices (even in EP) seem super-high and vastly elevated. Not impressed. They had me back every day back when the wheel was good. Now it just seems like more work than its worth.


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2018
I think I just made my second spin this season using the newly overcomplicated process. Scored +250 Elite Points. Was like, "Wow!" Then checked the archive. Oh, nothing really of interest in it. Selection is super-limited and prices (even in EP) seem super-high and vastly elevated. Not impressed. They had me back every day back when the wheel was good. Now it just seems like more work than its worth.
While I’m skeptical of many criticisms of the Wheel, I do agree that the Archive has been lackluster for a while. I’m not sure if I agree that everything is overpriced, but the variety is too unchanging. The range of offerings is fine—I don’t think the Archive has to have 25 products—but some more-regular circulation of options would be beneficial. It also doesn’t help that the gold artisans and Rosé cards have been available for other promotions recently, which diminish their value as Archive-only decks (the gold artisans I am less concerned about given that they are priced lower and we’re always intended as a promotional deck). The 9000
-point Fox deck is also still obtainable from the original restuarant at $16/deck, so that also doesn’t feel particularly Archive-worthy.

I loved when theory11 had some uncut sheets available in the 3000 point range. Those always felt like something that was inherently unique to the Archive and which were priced correctly. Even 4000-5000 points might be fair. It might also be interesting for theory11 to develop an Archive Deck that is only ever available for purchase with elite points, no exceptions. I’d personally find that pretty compelling, and would buy more regular product to build up EP.
Oct 2, 2018
what...there's a wheel this year? It used to show up on the splash screen. Didn't see it so I figured they stopped it.


Elite Member
Sep 17, 2021
Hey there wonderful T11, I just wanted to let you know that I got my free spin today even though its the 2ed. I swear I don't cheat so even though you sometimes extend things I just want to let you know its still running...


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
Well 450 Elite points on free spins for 2023...touch less than last year but it is free spins so I am happy...still have a few 11S I can only hope a few more points on offer. Have a safe holiday period and New Year everyone..Peter in Oz


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2023
Albany NY
Look at it more as a scratch off lotto ticket, than a spinning wheel.
It only feels rigged because the wheel isnt actually random/spinning. That's just an animation/metaphor for the contest. Either the codes are tied to predetermined winning codes that are doled out at random, or an algorythm is set to only permits a certain amount of specific hits for stuff outside 250, 100, or 50 points when they are generated.

Here are my current results: (for science!) ;)

#1: No Reward
#2: No Reward
#3: 100 Points
#4: No Reward
#5: 250 Points
#6: 50 Points
#7: 50 Points
#8: 250 Points
#9: 50 Points
#10: 100 Points
#11: No Reward
#12: 50 Points
#13: 250 Points
#14: 250 Points
#15: 50 Points
#16: 50 Points
#17: 50 Points
#18: No Reward
#19: 100 Points
#20: 50 Points
#21: No Reward
#22: No Reward
#23: 100 Points
#24: 50 Points
#25: 50 Points
#26: 100 Points
#27: 50 Points
#28: 250 Points
#29: No Reward
#30: 50 Points
#31: 250 Points

12/15: 50 Points
12/16: 50 Points
12/18: 100 Points
12/19: No Reward
12/20: 100 Points
12/21: No Reward
12/22: 50 Points
12/23: 50 Points
12/24: 100 Points
12/25: 250 Point
12/27: No Reward
12/28: 50 Points
12/29: 50 Points
12/30: No Reward
12/31: No Reward
1/1: 250 Points
1/2: 50 Points

Average 62.5 Points per 'spin'
0 Results