Ok. So, you had a customer complaint. The company you're complaining to offered to try to make it right. You ignored them and keep complaining. Do I have that straight?
You're entitled to be annoyed for any reason, really. But when you slap aside any offers to set things straight, you're not fixing anything. At this point you're just complaining to complain.
Furthermore, if you refuse their offer to replace the decks, you have absolutely no idea about the quality. Scientifically speaking, you can't take the evidence of one small trial and assume that to be the absolute truth. It can only benefit you to take advantage of JB's offer. Either the replacement decks will be the same quality as you've experienced, which will back up your point, or they'll be better, which will mean you have what you wanted in the first place. The only possible negative to getting the replacement is that you might be wrong.
You also keep mentioning that you really don't like the design of the Propagandas. I'm sorry, but you have only yourself to blame for that one. It's not like they don't have pictures on the product page. Did you expectr to get something other than what was pictured?
My T11 deck experience is not that much greater than yours. I got a deck of Guardians and a deck of Propagandas for my birthday last year. Both still fan well, neither clump at all. I've used both quite a bit. My experience is basically the exact opposite of yours. Scientifically/statistically speaking, our results nullify. Only way to know for sure is to continue testing.