Things you can say about your deck of cards...... But not your best friend


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I’ve got a group of perfectly ordinary friends. Pick one any one. Do you like that one or would you like to pick a different one? OK, show everyone else which one you picked but don’t let me see. Now put him back in the group and shuffle them around so there is no way I can guess which one you picked. Now think of the friend you picked... wouldn’t it be amazing if I could read your mind and figure out which friend you are thinking of?


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
This by far the best Wednesday game night ever!
Not gonna lie This was originally going to be the first game, not how to make a magician mad in 4 words, but I was afraid that the responses wouldn't be as funny in a PG form, and I didn't want any of my threads to result in some some bans. But by far this is the best thread I've ever created!

Keep them coming!!!!!!!
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