Tips on Werm by Dan and Dave...FINISHING ON THE FLOURISH

Aug 15, 2017
Well, the thing is that I have got the basic stuffing of the flourish down and can do it quite 'okay'...
But I want a bit of help from the more experienced pure cardists out there.
Can you guys give some tips on the werm? Just a few general ways to make it look better.
Because am okay with it, only a few cards drop out sometimes here and there.
Tips on making it smoother appreciated as well.
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Sep 9, 2017
I'm still working on cleaning up the first part with 4 packets :p so can't help you yet.
But any advice given here will probably be useful for me too.
Nov 26, 2017
I started learning the Werm a couple weeks ago, and I discovered you need a new or powdered deck of cards for the best results. You want that 5th packet to slip away without any other cards attached to it. Also, I have pretty small hands, and when extending, you might want to use multiple fingers to extend to the max. Also, try for accuracy before you try for speed.
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