Wow, I have spent the last few nights watching the entire set from beginning to end.
I just wanted to say to those producing and selling effects in the future the bar has been raised.
Most of these effects if they were produced or created by any other team would probably have been sold separately and at a much higher cost to us.
Recently I spent $55.00 for a one trick DVD, and was so disappointed in the production, explanation, etc.
TA was carefully crafted from the music, packaging, art work, explanations, phoote notes, and the list can go on and on.
I have vowed that if Bro, Paul and Jason can put together some of the best effects in the last few years, with the top notch quality of this set for the unbelievable cost of $300.00 I will be ever so discriminating in my future purchases.
If you don't have this set, all I can say is, this is a must for all levels of performers.
I have learned so much on this set, i.e., after many of the effects instead of immediately going into the climax, Bro simply says nothing and just lets the magic happen.
My favorite is Water Trap, holy S#@! that's magic.