True Astonishments - Easter Eggs

Jan 19, 2008
What is the easter egg that has those "TA" cards? (total acsess) Like what is it called i cant seemto find it. Also the one where the card jumps back to the deck what is that one called?
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
No the twisted jokers are used for the Screwed deck effect. The one I am talking about if a half card. As in its cut in half and has the 4 of clubs and wrapped in black thread or something.
No the twisted jokers are used for the Screwed deck effect. The one I am talking about if a half card. As in its cut in half and has the 4 of clubs and wrapped in black thread or something.

I don't actually own it, but when I bought some invisible thread a while back it came wrapped around the card. So, it may be the thread which is meant for a trick, not the card.

Once again I don't own TA, just from past experiences of mine that's what happened,
Feb 9, 2008
OK. After just getting up and checking my goody bag the card that is in question is used solely for the purpose of holding and storing your IT! That's all!
Dec 3, 2008
Has anyone else noticed that sometimes you have to click enter before the weird mushroom dude pops up? That made me mad for a long time before i figured out what i had to do. Just a thought....

-Ben Jackson
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