"Vintage" Bicycle Cards from Penguin

Sep 1, 2007
thank you PhiltheMagician for providing a review, having handled both decks.

Rjohnson, yes I believe that USPCC is sort of copying ellusionist here. After all they did release "black" decks recently also which shows that they are trying to get a piece of this action. All in all I am for it, because the more decks that get made the better. But they definitely copied E this time!

however since Phil said they fan better than 1800s (and 1800s, while very cool graphically, are awful for fanning) I think I'm gonig to have to try some out... I hope they're not too bad.

as far as looks go.... wellll..... a really old, worn out deck is SUPPOSED to look like crap right? I mean if it was really weathered, it definnitely wouldn't look good.
Sep 3, 2007
I'm not going to take the time to read all the posts in here, but just because I was curious, I picked up a pack of these at Books- A - Million. I don't think they're bad cards at all. They look fairly good, and handle just like a normal deck. They're actually pretty nice cards. IMHO, of course.
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