What cards do you guys use?

Oct 21, 2007
I use 3 different kinds of cards.

1-regular bicycles (red backed)

2-regular bicycles (blue backed)

3-ghost deck, but of course I don't use them that much at all, but when I do, people just love it.

I ordered a block of Guardians, just to check them out, but other then that I am happy with what I use. I will also check out black ghosts and shadows (I always by a "block" of 12). I am not to into the blackness of some cards. I do like black tigers every now and then, but my usually setup is with the cards I posted above.
Sep 4, 2007
Kansas City
I use Tallys for XCM, and i use Bikes for just about everything else. On occasion my wife will buy me a brick or two of the ghost deck cards, but I typically play with red or blue backed bikes, and the infradred/red light readable bikes they sell at the Shoppettes on Military posts. Can't go wrong at 1.50 a pack for Bikes. :D
Sep 1, 2007
Do you know of anywhere that sells normal Studs, not Pinochle?



walgreens is the only place to buy studs not online
they sell all kind, normal, jumbo, pinichole, whatever there is
and they are great cards
i myself use vintage back bikes or studs or bikes
Oct 11, 2007

Well the Cardz that I use are the bicycle rider backs to do up close tricks and primarily all my tricks but when flousihing I use tally ho's simply because they are thicker and tend to hold thier contour a lil more than bicycles.

Cardz 95:D
Sep 3, 2007
I try to use normal 808 Rider Backs in my performance, as there is no way the specs will think it's a trick deck. However, I have other decks in my collection, such as:

-White & Silver Bikes

-Tally Ho's



-Black Tigers


-Bicycle Twilights

-Bicycle Pro Peek Cards
Sep 2, 2007
I've never heard of the Bicycle Twilights. Any pictures?
I've heard of them, but I've never seen them, until today. They have an interesting green aesthetic look. They're being sold on eBay, and have a very unique appearance.

With regard to the cards that I'm using, right now, I'm oscillating between the Guardians and regular Bicycle decks.

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I use bikes for performance most of the time, because they're normal-looking, even if they aren't too common over here. I'm hoping to get some WPT decks, coz they're cheap, everyone knows them, and they're similar quality. All my other "cool" cards I keep in a box and bring out on special occasions - I'm very protective of my cards. ;)
In my collection:
Vintage 1800s
Guardians (1st ed.)
Some old casino bees
(No, I don't have any tally-ho's - please don't hurt me!)
Sep 3, 2007
The_Dark_Angel- Obviously somebody else already put up pictures, but just to let you know, these are not rare cards. You should be able to fiind them at your local Target for about $3. I myself picked up two decks... one to keep sealed just in case they ever do become rare, and one to play around with. They are pretty cool looking, and handle about the same as a standard deck of Rider Backs, if not a little better.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
The_Dark_Angel- Obviously somebody else already put up pictures, but just to let you know, these are not rare cards. You should be able to fiind them at your local Target for about $3. I myself picked up two decks... one to keep sealed just in case they ever do become rare, and one to play around with. They are pretty cool looking, and handle about the same as a standard deck of Rider Backs, if not a little better.

Now that you mention it, I think that I have seen these around, but as far as I know, they don't have them near me. :(
Nov 5, 2007
Benicia, CA
I find it interesting that many people have said they practice with one type of deck but perform with something completely different. Not just a different finish, but a different style card and different design all together. I'm only a begginer, but I would think you ought to practice with the same thing you perform with.

I like likes of different types of cards. My favorite are the Ghost decks and Vintage. Once I'm ready though, I think the Masters will by my choice. I like the finish and the sharp look of them. I've whipped out Black Tigers before and the immediate reaction was "cool magic cards". Definately a no go. I will also be using Bicycle's Tactical playing cards (the 535 series). They're plentiful overseas where I deploy.
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